Why I'm running

Our beautiful trees on Snoqualmie Parkway!

So what's this?

Desolate! Spring Plaza sitting unfinished for months.

This dead tree a reminder of what we lost!

Let's put the needs and joy of the citizens first and support competent growth, concurrent infrastructure, with developers paying their fair share!

What I stand for:

  • Respectful dialogue between the City and the Community
  • A good accounting for where all our taxes and fees are going
    • Why were our water and sewer bills raised 42% from 2017 - 2020? And raised 26% before that (from 2015 - 2017)


How much are developers paying for their impact on our schools, roads and their water needs?


  • Development should be clearly understood by all residents before it is approved. Developers should pay their fair share and we should get a clear accounting of how that works.
    • The incumbent says, "Growth pays for growth." Easy to say. Please show us details: how exactly is that working?
    • The city says: growth will lower your taxes and fees. We have grown a LOT since I moved here 11 years ago. I see NO evidence this is true.
  • Will the Muckleshoot tribe create a casino in their huge event center? Council had a chance to vote no casino but refused to consider it.
  • Will the developer of the Mill Site create a very large amphitheater? Can we expect hundreds or even thousands of cars rushing down Snoqualmie Parkway for concerts etc.? Why is the truth about this so hard to get?

Our Freedom:

  • Why has Council decided to limit access to Public Records Requests? If the City Government was more open and clear about what is actually happening citizens wouldn't need so many record requests.
  • Council has limited how long people can talk at meetings and when they can talk about what! Why so many regulations on our free speech?
  • Why is information about projects so obscure and unclear?
    • Council didn't know before approving a $600,000 match with WSDOT that it would have to be metered. Did we just push the traffic jam down the road a half mile?

Term Limits:

  • How about a limit of 2 terms maximum for the Mayor and each member of City Council?
  • Let's get some fresh people in who actually care about the residents' daily experience!