Elaine Armstrong For Snoqualmie

I'm running for Snoqualmie City Council to create a thoughtful dialogue, real citizen engagement and effective action to achieve the draw down of green house gasses in Snoqualmie. We can do so much better for our citizens and our children's future!

Contact: elainearmstrongforsnoqualmie@gmail.com

Like on Facebook: Elaine Armstrong for Snoqualmie

Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/elaineforsnoqualmie?igshid=1irp269h7ucht

In the 2 years since my incumbent has been on City Council, I have watched as she approved the development of 63 acres and over 600 hotel room or residences. Why have city property taxes, water, and sewer utility bills gotten so high? Expect more increases in utility bills to pay off a $32 M bond the incumbent just approved to expand utilities for more growth. Another$20 M+ bond is coming in the near future!

Traffic has become worse while her traffic studies only consider 2 blocks from the development, completely ignoring how hundreds of more cars will affect Historic Snoqualmie and Snoqualmie Parkway.

This incumbent acts as if we had plenty of money and don’t mind more traffic, higher taxes and utility bills. It’s my intention to do everything I can to make better decisions for our community.

Endorsed by:

  • National Women's Political Caucus of Washington State
  • Humane Voters of Washington

Does Growth Pay for Growth? See this Op-Ed from Christie Malchow, Mayor of the City of Sammamish:


Existing residents have to pay a share for schools, roads, water, sewer and other infrastructure expansion for every development. This can equal more than half of the costs!

Mayor Malchow recommends city officials say: "Growth pays for a portion of its full impact."

When officials say, "Growth pays for growth," it is misleading.

Working at the North Bend Food Bank with Sara and others from the Snoqualmie Valley Interfaith group.

21 Acres Center for Sustainable Living: great ideas for building green!

Leed Platinum Certification! Solar arrays, living roof insulation, passive cooling, insulated skylights.

Hundreds of pounds of styrofoam rectangles replace wood framing.

Learning with the rest of the tour!