Voices from the Field of Education (Blog)

Collecting stories by educators all over on their thoughts and reflections related to education.

A piece written by Daniel Talamantes on his experiences as an ESL teacher in 2019.

DT - ESL.docx

Reflections from an educator on the problems within ELD programs/education. 

Written on 7/18/2023

POV from a Southern California Educator on ELD

“The most important lesson to take from all this is that there is no way to confront the climate crisis as a technocratic problem, in isolation. It must be seen in the context of austerity and privatization, of colonialism and militarism, and of the various systems of othering needed to sustain them all. The connections and intersections between them are glaring, and yet so often, resistance to them is highly compartmentalized..."

-Naomi Klein