Prof MONICA MARIA ZONCA is the coordinator teacher of the project. She teaches English language and literature to students of 14-19 years of age. She is responsible of the Internationalization process of Einaudi Institute and of all the linked projects: pon for language/digital labs, mothertongue teachers management, implementation of digital didactical approches. She has been teaching for 20 years.

MARIELLA TOMA: diploma di maturità classica, laurea in Scienze dell'Informazione ed insegnante di matematica a studenti di 14 - 19 anni, presso l'IPSSCTS "L. EINAUDI" di Varese; in possesso della Patente Europea del Computer (ECDL, 7 moduli); Edu designer; Referente Esami di Abilitazione alla Professione di Ottico; in passato: Somminstratore Esami Ecdl, Funzione Strumentale per il Monitoraggio dei Progetti, Referente Invalsi.

Prof CHIARA RICARDI has a degree in architecture and a specialization in teaching drawing and history of art in Secondary Education. She’s also specialized in working as a sustain teacher for differently-abled students. At school she’s responsible for some projects related to social and environmental sustainability: “VareseMancaPoco”, with the local multi-utility societies, “Suoni in Libertà”, with Bollate prison. She handles the educational consultancy for the 5thyear classes. She’s also an artist and has displayed her sculptures, paintings and installations in collective and personal exhibitions held by private and public galleries and museums. She has been teaching for 20 years.

MARIA ROSARIA MAGGIO: Diploma di maturità classica, Laurea in Psicologia, Master universitario in Ergonomia. Docente di psicologia presso l'IPSSCTS "L. Einaudi" in cui svolge anche l'incarico di Referente C.I.C. – Prevenzione Disagio e Dispersione, Mediazione, Rapporti con le Famiglie.

CRISTINA CARITA'. She obtained Degree in Classical literature, Specialization in teaching in Secondary education, Specialization in psycho-pedagogical methodologies of teaching-learning management. She is also a tourist guide and edu designer. She teaches history and Italian language and literature to students of 14-19 years of age. She is Einaudi's guidance counselor and she is the responsible of Einaudi's travel organization She has been experimenting CLIL teaching for two years. She joined Erasmus group, Green School and she was the responsible of Unicef group to obtain a certification as a Friendly School.

CLAUDIA FENICI. She has a European Diploma and a degree in foreign languages and literature. She has being teaching English as a foreign language for the last 18 years. A present time she is teaching in a vocational school. She is involved in many projects and activities such as promoting the school, being a member of many groups (ERASMUS, GREEN SCHOOL, UNICEF), being students' tutor during their training period and being a member of the Institute Board. As an Edu-designer she has being experimenting the use of new technologies and didactical approaches (Edmodo, Google Classes, Flipped Class).

VITO VENTRE. He has a Technical Diploma and a degree in Information Technology. He is a teacher of Maths and IT in a vocational school. He deals with the planning of the teachers' timetable and with the management of the school ballots.

ELENA LOSONI diplomata liceo Classico, laurea in Storia e Filosofia , esperienza per 10 anni come educatrice in Centri giovanili, insegnante di Lettere nelle scuole superiori per ragazzi tra i 14-19 anni presso IPC Einaudi Varese. Edu designer, coordinatrice di disciplina, referente funzione strumentale Sito Web e comunicazione interna, responsabile della sede distaccata dell’istituto. Utilizza nella didattica le nuove tecnologie, come piattaforma Edmodo, le applicazioni di Drive, Kahoot, padlet, creazione di ebook per la didattica, flipped class

VITO NATALE, Diploma di ragioniere, laurea in Economia e Commercio, docente formatore con più di 15 anni di esperienza nel campo delle nuove tecnologie per la didattica, Animatore Digitale, presso l'IPC Einaudi, Formatore presso il "Polo per la formazione digitale A.T. Varese " , Formatore Eipass

ROSALBA MANENTI, diploma di ragioniere, lavoro nella segreteria dell'Istituto Einaudi come assistente amministrativa.

Il mio profilo mi permette di lavorare a contatto con le persone, docenti e alunni, traendo molta soddisfazione.

ANA Mª QUIJANO LOMBARDO is the coordinator teacher of the Erasmus Project and the Bilingual team at the school. She coordinates the implementation of the CLIL programme at the school and the use of digital tools. She is also head of the English department .She teaches students of 12-15 years old but has also got experience in teaching Baccaulerate and higher vocational education in Tourism. She has been teaching for 30 years and has taken part in many other international projects (Comenius, Erasmus and Erasmus Plus) and students exchanges with the USA.

MARIA JOSÉ LÓPEZ CENTENO is a bilingual Biology teacher in Spain. She teaches Science to students between 12 and 16 years old. She is the coordinator of the Health education programme at the school .She has been teaching for 14 years. She is a member of the research group on Competences and Evaluation She has already participated in previous K2 European Erasmus Projects.

PABLO GAVETE CALVO is a bilingual Biology teacher with a PHD in Biotechnology . She teaches Science to students between 12 and 16 years old He is also the secretary of the school who has budget management responsibilities, coordinates and supervises the non- teaching staff of the school. He has already participated in previous K1 and K2 European Erasmus Plus Projects and in Scientix , a website which collect best practices in science teaching and learning in Europe.

ANDRES FURONES LORENTE is a bilingual Maths teacher . He has been teaching for 10 years and is tutor of a group of 16 year old students. He teaches students between 12 and 16 years old. He has coordinated a teachers’ research group on Competences and Evaluation, he has also been Deputy Head of the school for two years . He has been in the Erasmus Plus project for two years , always looking for motivating activities that engage teenagers in their learning, using videos and songs, flipped classroom and cooperative learning.

ANA CRISTINA GUERRERO GUTIERREZ is a bilingual Maths teacher.She has been teaching for 9 years . She is tutor of a 15 year old group and coordinator of the Aldea programme to promote teaching about environmental issues.

MARTA GUZMÁN RUIZ is a bilingual Maths teacher . She has been teaching for 11 years and is head of the Maths and Science area at a secondary school. She teaches students between 12 and 15 years old. She has been in the Erasmus Plus project for two years promoting the use of Edmodo and plickers in the Maths lessons.

Mª JOSÉ MONTERO ROSALES is a bilingual Maths teacher. She has been teaching for 11 years although she has been only been one year in the bilingual Programme .She is the Deputy Head of the school who deals with the school discipline and coordinates students, parents and teachers relationships.

MERCEDES FUENTES SALMERÓN is a bilingual Technology teacher since 2015.She has been teaching at Khon Kaen University (Thailand) for 3 years while doing some research on ICT for education. She teaches Technology and Maths to students between 12 and 16 years old. She is tutor of a group of 15 year old students. She is currently working on a PhD on Technological education with the University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona) and collaborates with the school research group on Competences and Evaluation

LLANOS VICO RUIZ is a bilingual Geography and History teacher She has been teaching for 9 years . She is tutor of a 16 year old group and coordinator of a programme to promote the integration of cinema in the school plan. She has been in the Erasmus Plus project for two years

MAYRA ALONSO RODRIGUEZ is a bilingual Geography and History teacher . She is a member of the competences research group at the school .She teaches Geography to students between 12 and 16 years old and has been teaching for 12 years . She is the coordinator of the Training and Evaluation department of the school. She has been in the Erasmus project for two years and is integrating padlet in her teaching among other digital tools.

CONCHA PEINADO CUEVAS has been an English teacher, bilingual coordinator and Head teacher at the secondary school .She teaches students between 12 -17 years old. She has been very involved in different Erasmus Plus projects .She always tries to integrate mixed abilities through cooperative learning using different methodologies and is taking an approach to flipped classroom and ICT in her English language lessons .

RAQUEL SAN MIGUEL PÉREZ is a bilingual Geography and History teacher and tutor of a 14 year old group . She has been teaching for 4 years and has been in the Erasmus project for one year.

NURIA CHANTAL PARRA GUTIÉRREZ is a bilingual Geography and History teacher and tutor of a 12 year old group. She has been teaching for seven years but has been in the Erasmus project for only one year which she thinks is a positive and enriching experience for students and teachers.

ANTONIO YESTE CALLE is a PE teacher . He has been teaching for 11 years . He teaches students of 12-16. He has been tutor of a 15 year old group. He has been in the Erasmus project for one year.

Mª INMACULADA MENDOZA QUERO a bilingual Biology teacher in Spain. She teaches Science to students between 12 and 16 years old and is the tutor of a 12 year old group.She has been in the Erasmus project for one year.

JOANNE MURRAY RIVAS has been an English language teacher in secondary education for 4 years although has a long experience in teaching languages. She has been in the Erasmus project for one year.

ENRIQUE MANUEL ROMERO SANTIAGO is a PE teacher . He has been teaching for 15 years . He teaches students of 12-16 years of age. He is the head of department and has also coordinated a teachers’ research group about Physical activities to prevent stress in teaching. He has been in the Erasmus project for one year.

JULEN FERNANDEZ PLAZAOLA is a teacher of English but now in charge of the Multicultural class of the school. He helps the foreign students to learn Spanish in two secondary schools. He has been teaching for 11 years and has worked in the Erasmus Plus for one year.

DANIEL LERMA is a Bilingual Maths teacher. He teaches students of 12-16 years old and was in the Erasmus Plus project for the first year working in the use of Edmodo and other apps like Geogebra and plickers for the teaching of Maths.

Mº JESUS MONTES HIDALGO is a Greography and History teacher . She teaches students of 12-16 years old. She has been in the project for a year. She uses project and task based learning activities in her lessons. She has published articles about project based learning applied to the history of Art .

MONICA MONTAÑO CANDELARIO is the school Headteacher with a PHD in Psychology. She has been a secondary school councillor and then Headteacher of a boarding vocational school for seven years She has a wide experience in coordinating and managing teachers’ teams both at school and in research work on different topics including a Bilingual school programme.

The Romanian Teachers

Adina Calugaru has a Literature license and a master in Education at Montemorelos University - “The art of teaching”. She has been teaching the Romanian grammar and literature for 14 years . In the Erasmus projet she was a coordinator and participant in the activities. She loves working with children and she is very happy to work in a christian school who promotes the values and the love of God.

Livia Manea has a Design license, a Master in Educational Management and Institutional Communication and a PhD in the science of education. She has worked for 10 years in non-formal education, and has been working for 14 years in school education. In the Erasmus project she acts as a coordinator and she participates in all project activities. She is always concerned about educational research and new technologies for improving educational performance. She loves children, work and travelling.

Alina Marin is a Geography and French teacher in secondary school. She has been teaching for 12 years . She is involved in many projects and activities of the school. In this project, as a team member, she participated in all the activities and she coordinated the mobilities of the students.

Cristian Modan has a Master of Science in Education (USA). He has worked for 25 years in Outdoor Education projects and is constantly looking for ways to improve education using technology. She currently works as a teacher and chaplain. In the Erasmus project he travelled with the group of students from Romania that visited their partners in Spain.

Ioana Ghinea has a Theology license and a Master in school counselling. She has been working for 29 years as a primary school teacher. Within the Erasmus project, she was a member of the project team. She participated in the mobility of teachers in Varese and the meetings with the teachers who visited our school. She also attended all the meetings proposed by the coordinator. She is interested in everything that can be improved in education through technology. She loves children, music, travelling.

Raluca Rotaru has a license in the Education sciences and a Master in Policies and strategies for educational development. She’s been teaching in primary school for six years. Passionate about the harmonious development of children, science and music, she is is greatly fond of applying the project method in teaching and evaluation. She is also interested in being updated with the using of technology in order to increase quality and performance in education. During the Erasmus project, she attended the teachers mobilities and coordinated activities with students.

Camelia Ghejan has a license in the Education sciences. She’s been teaching in primary school for 15 years. In the Erasmus project, she was a member of the project team. She participated in the mobility of teachers in Varese and Malaga and the meetings with the teachers who visited our school. She’s interested in everything that can be improved in education through technology in order to increase quality and performance in education. She loves children and she is pasionated about their harmonious development.

Bianca Brînzea has a license in Education Sciences. She hass been working as a kindergarten teacher for 2 years. In the Erasmus + project, she was a member of the team project. She participated on the full project. She participated in the mobility of teachers from Varese and Malaga, and she accompanied and helped as a assistant at different activities deployed in Romania. Even if she works with small children, she is passionate about ITC, and she is always searching for something new and interesting for her students. Also, she loves children, likes travelling, learn new things, and she is interested to give the children a good education and helps them to develop properly.

Rebeca Noață has a Pedagogy of primary and preschool education licence. She has been teaching for a year as a primary school teacher. She has been in the Erasmus project for only one year which she thinks is a positive and determined way to grow and discover new ideas improved in technology for a better and complete education. In the Erasmus project she was a member for the project team and she participated all the meetings proposed by the coordinator. Loves children, flowers, reading and old things.

Sorina Ene has a degree in Mathematics. She's also teacher at high scool Mihai Ionescu. She has been teaching Mathematics for 14 years. She is interested in everything that can be improved in education. She has been in the Erasmus project for one year. She was a member of the project team. She participated in the mobility of teachers in Malaga and accompanied the teachers who visited our school.

Monica Luminita Badea has a Biology license, a Master: Management of Biodiversity Conservation and a PhD in the Horticulture. She has been working for 6 years in school education by organizing various projects with students in the biology discipline using technology. She has been in the Erasmus project for one year.

Rodica Radomir is licensed in Pedagogy and Education Sciences. She has worked for 14 years as a teacher at Kindergarten and has been working for 13 years as a teacher for the Primary School. She is passionate about mathematics and students training for contests and about the implementation of modern ITC methods in teaching and learning. Within the Erasmus project, she participated as a member of the team, at the meetings of the teachers in Varese and Fuengirola. She accompanied the group of students to different tourist attractions in Bucharest. She loves kids, plastic and decorative arts and she is fond of cooking.

Lizica Petre has a Philology and Theology license, Master in Education (University of Montemorelos, Mexico). She’s been teaching as a Romanian teacher for 13 years. In the Erasmus project, she was a member of the project team în the first year and participated in the mobility of teachers in Varese, Italia. She is interested in both personal development and implementation of new methods ICT in teaching and evaluating students. He likes dramatization and aims to develop pupils' communication skills.

Camelia Mihaiela Lungu has a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. She has been working for 10 years as a Mathematics teacher. In the Erasmus project, she acted as participant in the second year, being involved as accompanying teacher in students’ mobility to Varese, Italy. She is concerned about improving teaching, using both classic and modern sources. She used the platform interactive Mycoolio and other platforms and programming with the 8th grade students.

Gratiela Schiopu is lincesed in Philology, specialized in English-Romani Languages. She has a Master in Cultural Unity and Diversity in Learning and Teaching English in the European Context. She has been working for 22 years as an English teacher at the High School and Gymnasial level. She is passionate about preparing the students for Cambridge competitions and implementing modern ITC methods in teaching English. As part of the Erasmus project, she participated as a member of the team, at the teachers' meetings in Varesse and Fuengirola and together with another teacher, she led the team of Romanian students in the mobility, in Spain. She accompanied the group of Italian ans Spanish teachers and students to different tourist attractions in Bucharest. She loves kids, likes reading, and getting involved in the school trips with the students.

Mihaela Matei has a Bachelor's degree in foreign languages, especially English. She is an English teacher at Mihai Ionescu High School since 2016. As a member in the Erasmus project, she participated in all the activities. She loves teaching with ICT and being around children. She likes to develop new teaching methods which are appealing to this generation of pupils.

Ada Checherita - Has a License in the Pedagogy of Primary and Preschool education. She has been teaching for 2 years as a primary school teacher. She has been in the Erasmus Project for one year and was delighted to find out how to use technology with young children. She accompanied the Italian and Spanish teachers and students to different tourist attractions in the mobility in Bucharest, Romania. She loves children, reading, is passionate about working with kids and helping them in their needs,

Emanuela Georgescu - She has a License in Psychology, a License in Social Assistance, and a Master in Clinical Psychology. She was a member in the Erasmus Project in the first year. In the present she works as a School Counselor.

Minodora Gadea - She has a License in Economic Studies, and has an important role in the Erasmus Project, being in charge with the financial situation in the project. She was part of the team in the teachers mobility in Malaga.

lista studenti.pdf
docenti accompagnatori mobilità.pdf
docenti partecipanti meetings.pdf
lista docenti coinvolti.pdf
ERASMUS PLUS[6365].pdf