
Some of the Italian school teachers attended a course to be edu-designers and shared what was learnt with the partner-teachers.

Particular emphasis was given to situated learning to be practical. Moreover we used Edmodo to share information and as a didactical tool. On the other hand we understood it wasn't so perfect, because we can't give a real mark, but a formative one as testing is not in presence. So we decided to experiment Padlet becuse it's easier to use. In this case we adopted BYOD teaching ( bring your own device), but a new problem came out: our students found it difficult because it was expensive to use their Giga . They are not allowed to use the school WIFI. Infact Devices can be used only didactical goals.

Spanish Teachers have done online training on the tools used during the project . We have shared Edmodo , Google classroom and other resources like Tes Teach to combine teachers training and practices in the class. We have found difficulties in the use of internet and the devices to access for the required practices which need to be revised and approved by parents and the school programme. We have extended the debate of the use of Mobile phones to be revised by the school staff. Our students started reflecting on it too. See the link to their ten TIPS list

And now?

1. Increased awareness on recycling and in 2018 we will participate in a project dealing with the correct use of water

In particular we have understood that the world is on track to meet the target for drinking water, but those without access still number in the billions. Obstacles to progress there including conflict and political instability, high rates of population growth, and low priority given to water and sanitation. On sanitation, five regions – South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, West Asia, Eurasia and Oceania – are not on track to meet the target. Many of those without improved sanitation are hard to reach, living in remote rural areas, displaced by war and famine, or mired in an endless cycle of poverty and disease.

Spain will continue in the Educational ALDEA Programme working on the Global changes and sustainability

We have understood that Italian techers aren't so able to speak English so we attend courses to improve this ability

Spanish teachers are constantly updating their knowledge of the language as we use it in our Bilingual project and our goals are still growing to get the highest qualification for 2020.Some of the teachers enrol in language courses and we keep an English langugage environment through everyday practice and international projects

3. ITC Courses like the ones organized by GENERAZIONE WEB and APRENDE INTEF

Nowadays, when schools are increasingly transforming themselves into smart schools, the importance of educational technology also increases and teachers must implement ICT to create positive outcomes for their most visible of stakeholders

In Spain we will continue training online following the Eurpean guidelines for Teachers with the online site "aprende.intef"as it adapts to everyone´s needs but we also work on Teachers training programmes at the school to share our practices and meet colleagues as the combination of the two possibilities has proved to be a sound base to develop cohesion in our team work for integrated lessons with ICT methodology

4. Live lessons: emphasis was given to situated learning to be practical .

Our students work and have lot of fun practicing all the matters without too much effort.

In Spain our school programmes will continue on the line of PBL promoting this type of learning included in the CLIL and extended to the whole school. Encouraging oral presentations of students work to develop activities which include all the key competences

5. New inclusion paths with partnership with Unicef in particular dealing with immigration .

In fact everyone agrees Europe needs to urgently overhaul its asylum and immigration rules. At present Italy and Greece take most of the strain because of their geographical position and the fact that asylum seekers must lodge their applications in the first EU country they enter. Any solution will have to somehow balance the concerns of the “frontline” southern states with those of the wealthier northern “destination” states, but also deal with the flat refusal of hardline central and eastern European governments to be pushed into accepting any migrants at all.

Spain will join and develop this project as part of their school objectives in their School for Peace and PBL projects.

6.Vertical wood maintenance

We have decided to involve both students and teachers in the maintenance of the vertical wood installed in the school hall to be more responsible for our environment.

Spain will persue the preservation of their School patch after the building work to enlarge the school is finished. There is already a collection of local species through the extension of the Semilla programme as well as continuing the campaigns to raise awareness of recycling.

7. 3 D Lab

Thanks to PON funds we are now able to use a 3D Lab to propose our students virtual lessons on all subject-matters

8. E-government

E -government( short for eletronic government) is the use of electronic communications devices, computers, and the Internet, to provide public services to citizens and other persons in a country or region. According to Jeong, 2007 the term consists of the digital interactions between a citizen and their government (C2G), between governments and other government agencies (G2G), between government and citizens (G2C), between government and employees (G2E), and between government and businesses/commerces (G2B). We have decided to work on this for our students to become aware citizens.

9. Visit to parks

We started visiting parks to become more aware of keeping our planet clean.

10. Increased familiarity with speaking in front of an audience.

We want our students to be confident and more at ease whenever they have to express their point of view, describe projects they are working on, comment on final results. That is why we have decided to base our live lessons on speaking .

This practice has been one of the main objectives in the CLIL lessons in Spain and has proved to be a very effective way to integrate linguistic and digital competences.

11. Territory monitoring.

We want our students to understand that to be a good and responsible citizen you need to be informed about the projects carried out in the territory you live in.

12. Further collaboration with Spain: e-twinning

In Spain our school is going through a process of many changes that need to be settled down before we embark in another Erasmus project but our internationalization will not stop as we will continue the difussion of our experience, contrast and validate it through e- Twining

Through participating in eTwinning, our schoosl will be able to:

  • enrich learning and motivation of pupils (aged between 3 and 19) and staff
  • access high quality professional development and ready-made resources
  • raise standards across the whole school community
  • gain recognition for your commitment through eTwinning awards and the International School Award.

Spain will also work with Denmark and Finland to find a closer match of the age group in secondary education. ( 12-16)

13. Further collaboration with Romania: call for a new Erasmus Project

14. Further research in European digital certification project CRISS and participation in the Junta de Andalucia digitalization programme PRODIG

In Spain our school is going through a process of many changes that need to be settled down before we embark in another Erasmus project.we are working on the DIGITALIZATION OF THE SCHOOL with PRODIG , a Junata de Andalucia programme based on the Digital European Framework which includes the The European online project for secondary schools , CRISS . We will

-join google suite

- create ePortfolio for students and teachers

-Increase our students’ curiosity and motivation to learn

- share a Scenario planning and evaluation for the acquisition of digital competences

15.Teachers' trainers in teachers conferences

We have become teachers trainers and will spread our experience among other teachers university students.