
査読 付き学術論文

  1. Tochimoto, E., and S. Iizuka, 2022: Impact of warm sea surface temperature over a Kuroshio large meander on extreme heavy rainfall caused by an extratropical cyclone, Atmos. Sci. Lett, accepted.

  2. Jialin Lin, Taotao Qian, Howard B. Bluestein, Peter Ditlevsen, Hai Lin, Tatsuya Seiki, Eigo Tochimoto, Hannah Barnes, Peter Bechtold, Frederick H. Carr, Saulo R. Freitas, Steven J. Goodman, Georg Grell, Jongil Han, Philip Klotzbach, Woosub Roh, Masaki Satoh, Siegfried Schubert, Guang Zhang & Ping Zhu (2022) Current Challenges in Climate and Weather Research and Future Directions, Atmosphere-Ocean, DOI: 10.1080/07055900.2022.2079473

  3. Tochimoto E. 2022: Environmental Controls on Tornadoes and Tornado Outbreaks, Atmosphere-Ocean, 60, 399-421.

  4. Tochimoto E., S. Iizuka, and T. Ohigashi 2022: Influence of an Upper-level Trough on the Formation of a Baiu Frontepression that Caused a Torrential Rainfall Event in Southern Kyushu, Japan, on July 4, 2020, SOLA, 18A, 1-7.

  5. Tochimoto E., and H. Niino 2022: Comparing Frontal Structures of Extratropical Cyclones in the Northwestern Pacific and Northwestern Atlantic Storm Tracks, Monthly Weather Review, 150(2), 369-392.

  6. Tochimoto E., and H. Niino 2022: Tornadogenesis in a Quasi-linear Convective System over Kanto Plain in Japan: A Numerical Case Study, Monthly Weather Review, 150(1), 259-282.

  7. Tochimoto, E., S. Yokota, H. Niino, and W. Yanase 2022: Ensemble experiments for a maritime meso-beta-scale vortex that spawned tornado like vortices causing shipwrecks, Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 100(1).141-165, https://doi.org/10.2151/jmsj.2022-007.

  8. Tochimoto, E., Mario Marcello Miglietta, Leonardo Bagaglini, Roberto Ingrosso, Hiroshi Niino 2021: Characteristics of Extratropical Cyclones that Cause Tornadoes in Italy: A Preliminary Study. Atmosphere, 12(2), 180.

  9. Hararold Brooks, Charles A Doswell III, Xiaoling Zhang, Alexander Chernokulsky, Eigo Tochimoto, Barry Hanstrum, Ernani de Lima Nascimento, David M L Sills, Bogdan Antonescu, Brad Barrett 2019:A century of progress in severe convective storm research and forecasting, AMS Monographs, 18.1-18.41.

  10. Tochimoto, E., S. Yokota, H. Niino, and W. Yanase 2019: Mesoscale convective vortex that causes tornado-like vortices over the sea: a potential risk to maritime traffic. Mon. Wea. Rev. 147, 1989-2007.

  11. Tochimoto, E., K. Sueki, and H. Niino 2019: Entraining CAPE for better assessment of tornado outbreak potential in the warm sector of extratropical cyclones. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 913-930.

  12. Tochimoto, E., and H. Niino 2018: Structure and environment of tornado-spawning extratropical cyclones around Japan, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 96, 355-380.

  13. Tochimoto, E., and H. Niino 2017: Structural and environmental characteristics of extratropical cyclones that associated with tornado outbreaks. : An idealized numerical study. Monthly Weath., Rev, 145, 117-136.

  14. Tochimoto, E., and T. Kawano, 2017: Numerical investigation of development processes of Baiu frontal depressions. Part Ⅱ: An idealized study. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan.95, 217-237.

  15. Tochimoto, E., and T. Kawano, 2017: Numerical investigation of development processes of Baiu frontal depressions. Part Ι: Case studies. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan.95, 91-109.

  16. Tochimoto, E., and H. Niino 2016: Structural and environmental characteristics of extratropical cyclones that cause tornado outbreaks. : A composite study. Monthly Weath., Rev, 144, 945-969.

  17. Tochimoto, E., and T. Kawano, 2012: Development processes of Baiu frontal depressions. SOLA, 8, 9–12.


  1. Tochimoto E. and T. Kawano, Development processes of Baiu frontal depressions 2011, International Conference on Mesoscale Convective systems (MCSs) and High-impact Weather in East Asia, (ICMCS-VIII) Pages 83-86 .

  2. 栃本英伍, 新野宏 2014:竜巻大発生を伴う温帯低気圧の構造と環境場, 急発達する低気圧の実態・予測・災害軽減に関する研究集会報告,54-57.

  3. 栃本英伍 2017, 複数同時発生する竜巻をもたら温帯低気圧と梅雨前線上の低気圧, 日本風工学会誌特集号, Vol 42, 23-30

  4. 下瀬健一, 津口裕茂, 栃本英伍, 鵜沼昂 2014: 第1回メソ気象セミナー開催報告, 天気, 61 巻, 11号, 947-951.

  5. 下瀬健一, 津口裕茂, 栃本英伍, 鵜沼昂, 加藤亮平 2016:第2回メソ気象セミナー開催報告, 天気,63 巻, 2 号, 125-129.

  6. 津口裕茂, 下瀬健一, 加藤亮平,栃本英伍,横田祥,中野満寿夫,林修吾,大泉伝,伊藤純至,大元和秀,山浦剛,吉田二,鵜沼昂:2016「2014 年広島豪雨に関する予測検討会」の報告,天気,63 巻, 2 号, 95-103.

  7. 栃本英伍,渡邊俊一,末木健太,吉住容子,下瀬健一, 津口裕茂, 加藤亮平,鵜沼昂 2016:第3回メソ気象セミナー開催報告, 天気, 63 巻, 11 号, 101-107.

  8. 栃本英伍「複数同時発生する竜巻をもたらす温帯低気圧と梅雨前線低気圧」,『日本風工学会誌』,日本風工学会,42巻,1号,pp23-30,2017

  9. 渡邊俊一,下瀬健一,栃本英伍,末木健太,横田祥, 加藤亮平,鵜沼昂2017:「第4回メソ気象セミナー開催報告」, 『天気』, 日本気象学会,64 巻, 11 号, 61-67, 2017

  10. 鵜沼昂,吉住容子, 春日悟, 下瀬健一, 加藤亮平,栃本英伍,渡邊俊一, 末木健太,横田祥2018:「第5回メソ気象セミナー開催報告」, 『天気』,日本気象学会,65 巻,11 号,757-763,2018

  11. 釜江陽一,栃本英伍,西川はつみ,宇野史睦,山崎哲,川瀬宏明,辻野智紀,神山翼,大竹潤,山下陽介,道端拓朗,川添祥,神澤望,築地原匠,木下武也,「第4回気象気候若手研究者交流会」,『天気』,日本気象学会,65巻,9号,643-648.


1. 栃本英伍, 2013, 日本気象学会九州支部奨励賞

2. 栃本英伍, 新野宏 2018, 日本気象学会気象集誌論文賞

3. Reviewer Award, Journal Meteorological Research, 2020


  1. (invited) Eigo Tochimoto and Hiroshi Niino: A Numerical Case Study on a Tornado that Formed in a Quasi Linear Convective System, Japan Geoscience Union, , Chiba, Japan, 26-30 May 2019, accepted.

  2. (invited) Eigo Tochimoto, Sho Yokota, Hiroshi Niino, and Wataru Yanase: Numerical Simulations of Meso-Beta-Scale Vortices that Spawned Tornado-like Vortices, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, 03-08 Jun 2018

  3. (invited) Eigo Tochimoto, Sho Yokota, Hiroshi Niino, and Wataru Yanase: Fine-scale Structures of Meso-β-scale Vortices that Cause Tornado-like Vortices, , Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba, Japan, 20-24 May 2018.

  4. Eigo Tochimotoand Hiroshi Niino: Differences in Extratropical Cyclone Structures between Northwestern Pacific and Northwestern Atlantic Oceans, American meteorological Society 99th annual meeting, Phoenix, United States, 06-10 January 2019.

  5. Eigo Tochimoto, Kenta Sueki, and Hiroshi Niino. Entraining CAPE for Better Assessment of Tornado Outbreak Potential in the Warm Sector of Extratropical Cyclones, 29th Conference on severe local storms, Stowe, United states. 21-26 October 2018.

  6. Eigo Tochimoto., Sho Yokota, Hiroshi Niino, Wataru Yanase, Multi-scale structure of mesh-beta-scale vortex that caused a gusty wind over the Sea of Japan. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Makuhari, 20 May 2017.

  7. Eigo Tochimoto., Sho Yokota, Hiroshi Niino, Wataru Yanase, Tornado-like vortices in a maritime extratropical cyclone: a numerical study. 7th European Conference on Severe Storms, Pula, Croatia, 19 September 2017

  8. Eigo Tochimoto, Sho Yokota, Hiroshi Niino, Wataru Yanase, Multi-scale structure of mesh-beta-scale vortex associated with a maritime extratropical cyclone. 18th Cyclone Workshop, Sainte Adele, Canada, 2 October 2017

  9. Eigo Tochimoto., Sho Yokota, Hiroshi Niino, Wataru Yanase, Multi-scale structure of mesh-beta-scale vortex associated with a maritime extratropical cyclone. 17th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, San diego, 26 July 2017

  10. Eigo Tochimoto, Sho Yokota, Hiroshi Niino, Wataru Yanase, Mesoscale vortex that caused marine accidents due to a sudden gusty wind in the southwestern part of the sea of Japan on 1 September 2015. International workshop on Nonhydostatic model, Hakone, 2016.

  11. Eigo Tochimoto and T. Kawano, Development processes of Baiu frontal depressions, Asia Oceania Geosciences 7th general Hyderabad meeting, India 5-9 July2010

  12. Eigo Tochimoto. and T. Kawano, Development processes of Baiu frontal depressions, International Conference on Mesoscale Convective systems (MCSs) and High-impact Weather in East Asia, Nagoya 7-9 March 2011.

  13. Eigo Tochimoto and T. Kawano, Development processes of Baiu frontal depressions, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics XXV General Assembly Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, Australia 27 June- 8 July 2011

  14. Eigo Tochimoto and T. Kawano, Development processes of Baiu frontal depressions, Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13, Davos 8-12 July 2013

  15. Eigo Tochimoto and T. Kawano, Development processes of Baiu frontal depressions, The International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones (ICMCS-Ⅹ), Boulder, Colorado, 15-18 September 2014

  16. Eigo Tochimoto and H. Niino, Structures and Environment of Extratropical Cyclones Cause a Tornado Outbreak, 27th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Madison, 2-7 November 2014.

  17. Eigo Tochimoto and Hiroshi Niino: Structural and environmental characteristics of extratropical cyclones that cause tornado outbreaks, Cyclone Workshop, Monterey, 25-30 October 2015.

  18. Eigo Tochimoto and Hiroshi Niino: Structural and environmental characteristics of extratropical cyclones that cause tornado outbreaks, IUGG Congress, Prague, June 22- July02 2015.


  1. Eigo Tochimoto, Sho Yokota, Hiroshi Niino and Wataru Yanase: Structures and Evolutions of Meso-β-scale Vortices that Spawned Tornado-like Vortices., Stowe, 29th Conference on Severe Local Storms, 21-26 October, 2018.

  2. Eigo Tochimoto, Sho Yokota, Hiroshi Niino and Wataru Yanase: Ensemble Experiments of Meso-beta-Scale Vortex that Caused a Sudden Gusty Wind over the Sea, Phoenix, 99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 6-10 January 2019.

  3. Eigo Tochimotoand Hiroshi Niino: Structures and Environment of Extratropical Cyclones that Cause a Tornado Outbreak. 27 the Conference on Severe Local Storms, Madison, November 2014

  4. Eigo Tochimoto and Hiroshi Niino: Structural and environmental characteristics of extratropical cyclones that cause tornado outbreaks, 16th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Boston, 3-6 August 2015.

  5. Eigo Tochimoto and Hiroshi Niino: Structural and environmental characteristics of extratropical cyclones that cause tornado outbreaks in the warm sector, Vienna, European Geoscience Union General Assembly, 2016, 17-22 April 2016.


  1. (招待講演) 栃本英伍,末木健太,新野宏:「⻯巻等突風を引き起こす温帯低気圧の内部構造と環境場」,『大槌シンポジウム「災害をもたらす気象とその背景」』,大槌2017年8月

  2. 栃本英伍,新野宏 「日本付近で発達する温帯低気圧構造の統計的特徴」,『日本気象学会秋季大会』,2018年10月

  3. 栃本英伍,横田祥,新野宏,柳瀬亘:「2015年9月1日に対馬海峡で突風を生じたメソβスケール渦のアンサンブル実験」,『日本気象学会春季大会』,2018年5月

  4. 栃本英伍,末木健太,新野宏:「竜巻の環境場におけるEntrainmentを考慮したCAPEの有効性-温帯低気圧に伴う竜巻大発生における検証―」『日本気象学会秋季大会』,2017年10月

  5. 栃本英伍,横田祥,新野宏,柳瀬亘:「2015年9月1日に対馬海峡で突風を生じたメソβスケール渦の発生・発達機構」『日本気象学会春季大会』,2017年5月

  6. 栃本英伍,新野宏:「竜巻を生ずる温帯低気圧の構造と環境場」,『日本気象学会春季大会』,2016年5月

  7. 栃本英伍,新野宏:「竜巻を伴う温帯低気圧の構造と統計的特徴」,『日本気象学会春季大会』,筑波,2015年5月

  8. 栃本英伍,新野宏:「竜巻大発生を伴う温帯低気圧の構造と環境場」,『急発達する低気圧の実態・予測・災害軽減に関する研究集会』,京都,2014年10月


対馬海峡で複数の漁船の遭難事故をもたらした突風の正体に迫る ~わずか直径1kmの竜巻状渦が繰り返し発生していた様子が明らかに~