
  1. Jialin Lin, Taotao Qian, Howard B. Bluestein, Peter Ditlevsen, Hai Lin, Tatsuya Seiki, Eigo Tochimoto, Hannah Barnes, Peter Bechtold, Frederick H. Carr, Saulo R. Freitas, Steven J. Goodman, Georg Grell, Jongil Han, Philip Klotzbach, Woosub Roh, Masaki Satoh, Siegfried Schubert, Guang Zhang & Ping Zhu (2022) Current Challenges in Climate and Weather Research and Future Directions, Atmosphere-Ocean, DOI: 10.1080/07055900.2022.2079473

  2. Tochimoto E. 2022: Environmental Controls on Tornadoes and Tornado Outbreaks, Atmosphere-Ocean, in press.

  3. Tochimoto E., S. Iizuka, and T. Ohigashi 2022: Influence of an Upper-level Trough on the Formation of a Baiu Frontal Depression that Caused a Torrential Rainfall Event in Southern Kyushu, Japan, on July 4, 2020, SOLA, 18A, 1-7.

  4. Tochimoto E., and H. Niino 2022: Comparing Frontal Structures of Extratropical Cyclones in the Northwestern Pacific and Northwestern Atlantic Storm Tracks, Monthly Weather Review, 150(2), 369-392.

  5. Tochimoto E., and H. Niino 2022: Tornadogenesis in a Quasi-linear Convective System over Kanto Plain in Japan: A Numerical Case Study, Monthly Weather Review, 150(1), 259-282.

  6. Tochimoto, E., S. Yokota, H. Niino, and W. Yanase 2022: Ensemble experiments for a maritime meso-beta-scale vortex that spawned tornado like vortices causing shipwrecks, Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 100(1).141-165,

  7. Tochimoto, E., Mario Marcello Miglietta, Leonardo Bagaglini, Roberto Ingrosso, Hiroshi Niino 2021: Characteristics of Extratropical Cyclones that Cause Tornadoes in Italy: A Preliminary Study. Atmosphere, 12(2), 180.

  8. Hararold Brooks, Charles A Doswell III, Xiaoling Zhang, Alexander Chernokulsky, Eigo Tochimoto, Barry Hanstrum, Ernani de Lima Nascimento, David M L Sills, Bogdan Antonescu, Brad Barrett 2019:A century of progress in severe convective storm research and forecasting, AMS Monographs, 18.1-18.41.

  9. Tochimoto, E., S. Yokota, H. Niino, and W. Yanase 2019: Mesoscale convective vortex that causes tornado-like vortices over the sea: a potential risk to maritime traffic. Mon. Wea. Rev. 147, 1989-2007.

  10. Tochimoto, E., K. Sueki, and H. Niino 2019: Entraining CAPE for better assessment of tornado outbreak potential in the warm sector of extratropical cyclones. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 913-930.

  11. Tochimoto, E., and H. Niino 2018: Structure and environment of tornado-spawning extratropical cyclones around Japan, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 96, 355-380.

  12. Tochimoto, E., and H. Niino 2017: Structural and environmental characteristics of extratropical cyclones that associated with tornado outbreaks. : An idealized numerical study. Monthly Weath., Rev, 145, 117-136.

  13. Tochimoto, E., and T. Kawano, 2017: Numerical investigation of development processes of Baiu frontal depressions. Part Ⅱ: An idealized study. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan.95, 217-237.

  14. Tochimoto, E., and T. Kawano, 2017: Numerical investigation of development processes of Baiu frontal depressions. Part Ι: Case studies. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan.95, 91-109.

  15. Tochimoto, E., and H. Niino 2016: Structural and environmental characteristics of extratropical cyclones that cause tornado outbreaks. : A composite study. Monthly Weath., Rev, 144, 945-969.

  16. Tochimoto, E., and T. Kawano, 2012: Development processes of Baiu frontal depressions. SOLA, 8, 9–12.