
Find an updated list of scholarships HERE. Find a list of scholarships for undocumented students HERE.

Local Scholarships


Please check for official requirements on your university's website.

How do I qualify?

TERRY SCHOLARSHIP (full cost of attendance)

College Board Opportunity Scholarship


Earn micro-scholarships for your high school achievements, follow colleges, and output a résumé.

o   Go to

o   Click “I’m a student” then “I’m a high school student”

o   Enter email and password, then start answering questions about yourself

Scholarship Guide

Scholarship FAQs

Q: Can I only use scholarship funds for tuition? Can I use them for room & board, fees, and book/supplies?

A: It depends on the scholarship. Some scholarships allow you to use your funds for things other than tuition, while others will only let you use them for tuition. Check the scholarship description for details, or ask the scholarship sponsor.


Q: How are local or national scholarship funds disbursed?

A: The student will let the scholarship sponsor know where they are attending college, and the funder will send a check to that university. They may ask for additional documentation, like proof of enrollment.


Q: How are merit-based scholarships and university financial aid disbursed?

A: They will be added directly to your bill on your university account. They will either be applied to your account before you pay, or you will receive them as a refund, depending on the scholarship/financial aid.


Q: Can I only use scholarship funds at a certain university?

A: It depends on the scholarship. If a scholarship is university-specific (merit-based, or the scholarship description says it must be used at a certain university), it can only be used at that university. If the scholarship is local/national and in its description there is no mention of a specific university, it can be used anywhere. Read the description carefully.


Q: I got a merit-based scholarship from a specific university, but I don’t want to go there. Can I transfer this scholarship to another university?

A: No, merit-based scholarships from one university cannot be transferred to another university.

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Undocumented students