The name of this organization shall be the Eastern Illinois District Association of Student Councils.
The purpose of this organization shall be the development of new student councils and the betterment of established student councils in the District, thus bringing about improvement of the schools; a further aim shall be the stimulation of mutual understanding and cooperation between member high schools, thus aiding in the establishment of good citizenship and character in the youth of the Eastern Illinois District.
Section I:
Membership in the Illinois High School Association shall be prerequisite for membership in the Eastern Illinois District Association of Student Councils.
Section II:
Membership in this association shall be limited to those schools within the boundaries of the Eastern Illinois District Association as established by the Illinois Association of Student Councils
Section I:
The Eastern Illinois District Association of Student Councils shall be divided into subdivisions, called areas, for the better communication and representation with the Executive Board.
Section II:
The Executive Board shall assign each member school to an area at the Executive Board meeting prior to the District Convention. These area lines shall be maintained by the district secretary for the following year.
Section I:
Executive powers shall be vested in the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and District-State Liaison, plus the following selected executive board members; the area representatives, the officers’ advisors, the executive board members’ advisors, and two advisors-at-large. The district president’s school has the option of appointing a student as convention secretary from its council to assist the president.
Section II:
In the case of temporary absence of an officer, that officer’s school shall remain responsible for the long-term duties of that office. If an absence becomes permanent and involves the district presidency, the district vice-president shall assume the presidential duties and responsibilities. Other officer positions vacated shall be filled from the list of current qualified area representatives by executive board appointment.
Section III:
The president and convention secretary shall be from the same school. Advisors-at-large may concurrently hold a second executive board position as an officer advisor or selected executive board member’s advisor. With the exception previously stated, no two officers and/or selected executive board members shall in any one administrative year, come from the same school.
Section IV:
The executive board may appoint a school from a different sub-division to serve as area representative for a non-represented subdivision if no school from the non-represented area will serve.
Section V:
If, during a two-year term, an advisor-at-large position becomes vacant, the executive board may appoint a non-executive board member to fill the position.
Section VI:
No school shall succeed itself to the same district office
Section VII: Impeachment of Executive Board Members
A resolution of vote for impeachment of an officer or executive board member shall be issued by the eastern district board for nonfulfillment of specific duties, continued unexcused absences from monthly Executive Board meetings, unexcused absence from the IASC State Convention, inability to well respect the Eastern District or malfeasance in office. A two-thirds majority of the full membership of the Executive Board is necessary for removal. Balloting shall be conducted by mail through the Executive Student Board members under advisory of the member advisors.
Section I:
A. A candidate must be either a sophomore or junior to run for office.
B. A candidate must be a regularly enrolled student in a member high school.
C. A candidate must be on the council of the member high school and have one year of experience on the student council.
D. A candidate must have the written consent of the principal or advisor plus written consent of the parent/guardian to be considered.
E. A candidate’s knowledge of parliamentary procedure and the Eastern Illinois District Constitution should meet the standards and requirements determined by the credentials committee.
F. A candidate must submit proof of the listed qualifications to the chairperson of the Credentials Committee prior to the date established by the committee.
G. Nominees from the floor must show proof of qualifications.
H. No one individual may serve two consecutive years as a district officer. The candidate shall not run for an office held currently by another student from the candidate’s school.
A. The selected student must be a sophomore, or junior in a member high school.
B. The selected student must be a regularly enrolled student in a member high school.
C. The selected student must be on the council of the member high school.
D. The Selected student must have the written consent of the principal and advisor plus parental/guardian consent before the December joint board meeting.
E. The selected student must not have served the Eastern District as an officer or selected board member prior to executive board selection.
F. Area Representatives must have the written consent of the principal, advisor, plus parent/guardian permit before January 31 of the following calendar year. Area Representatives will serve only one year on the EIDASC Board.
Section I: Duties of the President
A. Know your Executive Board.
B. Immediately after the convention, send an article about yourself to the editor of The Reporter.
C. Stationery:
1. Have stationery of the Eastern Illinois District Association of Student Councils printed as soon as possible after each election.
2. Provide stationery to the executive board.
D. Executive Board meetings:
1. Set the date, time, and place of the meeting.
2. At the meeting, make plans for the fall convention outlining areas of responsibilities.
E. District Convention: The president’s school shall be the host school for the district convention.
F. State Convention
1. Attend the State Convention.
2. Preside at the district board meetings.
3. Represent the Eastern District at the State Convention.
G. Attend the LEAD conference and report to the Fall District Convention.
1. The Board shall appropriate monies to pay one-half of the President’s expenses to the LEAD conference.
2. To receive this stipend, the President must attend 75% of all Board meetings.
H. Perform any other duties assigned by the Executive Board.
Section II: Duties of the President’s Advisor
A. The President’s advisor shall conduct the Advisors’ meeting at the EIDASC Fall Convention and any other meetings of the advisors during the year.
B. The President’s Advisor shall serve as the Officers’ Advisor-at-Large following the President’s term of office and the third year of the term shall serve as the Executive Board’s Advisor-at-Large.
Section III: Duties of the Vice President
A. Preside at all meetings in the absence of the President.
B. Distribute a newsletter to all schools within the Eastern District when deemed necessary by the officers/executive board.
C. Preside as membership chairman.
D. Distribute a current copy of the EIDASC constitution to all member schools in the fall.
Section IV: Duties of the Secretary
A. After each board meeting, prepare the executive board minutes and mail copies to all officers/executive board members and to all schools.
B. Prepare district convention minutes and send copies to the student members of the IASC Executive Board, to the District President, and to all district member schools.
C. At the fall convention, present the minutes of the previous district convention. D. Keep up-to-date list of area schools.
Section V: Duties of the Secretary’s Advisor
A. The Secretary’s Advisor shall take minutes of the Advisors’ meeting at the EIDASC fall convention and any other advisor meetings during the year. B. The said advisor shall prepare the minutes and distribute them to all advisors.
Section VI: Duties of the Treasurer
A. Collect, deposit, expend, and account for all District money according to the financial policy of the treasurer’s school.
B. Submit a roster of member schools at the First Executive Board meeting following the convention.
C. Prepare a membership list prior to the Convention.
D. Perform any other duties assigned by the President.
Section VII: Duties of the District-State Liaison
A. Maintain correspondence with the IASC President.
B. Submit a list of new officers/executive board members to the student members of the IASC Executive Board Immediately following elections.
C. Attend at least one State Executive Board meeting.
Section VIII: Duties of the Convention Secretary
A. Organize and direct the Fall District Convention for the President’s school, which is designated as the Convention Host School.
B. Secure and submit a contract for housing for the following year’s District Fall Convention.
Section IX: Duties of Area Representative/Sub-Division Schools
A. Notify sub-division schools of forthcoming district events and of previous executive board action.
B. Be responsible for membership recruitment within the subdivision. C. Be present at executive board meetings as a voting member.
Section I:
Officers shall be elected at the annual district convention and shall serve from the first Executive Board meeting following their election until the first Executive Board meeting of the following year’s election.
Section II:
Each member school in attendance shall have one vote.
Section III:
To be elected, a candidate must receive a majority of all votes cast for candidates for that office.
Sections IV:
At the annual convention, each sub-division shall elect a school to represent the sub-division. The elected school shall then select a student to act as Area Representative. The one vote per school rule shall apply.
Section V:
At the annual convention, the president-elect’s school shall select a student from the president-elect’s school to serve as convention secretary.
Section I:
There shall be an annual meeting for all member schools.
Section II:
The time of the annual meeting shall be in the fall
Section III:
The place of the annual meeting for the succeeding year shall be selected by the Executive Board.
Section I:
The representatives of member schools in attendance shall constitute a quorum, having complete legislative powers, and by a majority of those in attendance shall fix the policy of the Association and legislate in all matters except amendments to the constitution.
Section II:
Each member school in attendance shall have one vote at all general meetings of the association.
Section I:
The annual dues to this association shall be $25.00. The dues cover a calendar year from September 1st through August 31st.
Section I:
All Eastern Illinois District Association of Student Councils Executive Board policies and procedures not defined by the constitution shall be contained in a policy handbook.
Section II:
A copy of the current handbook will be distributed to each member school at the District Convention.
Section III:
Changes in the policies and procedures found in the Policy Handbook can be made by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board during a regular Executive Board Meeting.
Robert's Rules of Order shall be the final authority for all disputed technicalities which may arise during the business session.
A financial review shall be made by a Financial Review Committee consisting of the retiring treasurer, newly elected treasurer, and the respective treasurers’ advisors at the first Executive Board Meeting following the fall convention. The result of this financial review shall be furnished to all member schools. Upon completion of the financial review, the books shall be turned over to the new treasurer.
Section I:
Proposed amendments to this constitution must be presented to the President ten days prior to the annual fall convention.
Section II:
Proposed amendments to this constitution must be presented as a motion, and seconded, at the first general session of the annual fall meeting.
Section III:
Voting on amendments shall be held in the last general session.
Section IV:
Amendment passage requires a two-thirds majority of the schools answering the role call in the second general session of the District Convention.
Section V:
Amendment of by-laws requires a simple majority of the school answering the roll call in the second general session of the District Convention.
Amended November 15th, 2011
At the EIDASC District Convention held in 1977, the Executive Board was directed to compile a “handbook” of past practices, policies, and procedures as a guide for future Executive Boards. The Policy Handbook was reviewed and updated in 1988 by a committee of district advisors. The document may be changed by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board and must fall within the Articles and By-Laws within the Eastern District Constitution.
Board Activities
1. The EIDASC Executive Board plans and coordinates a Fall Workshop for all schools within the district. This is generally held in October at a member school. The host school sends letters of announcement and registration. Money and registration forms are sent to the host schools chairperson. Numbers of delegates per school may be limited or unlimited at the discretion of the Executive Board.
2. The annual Fall Convention is organized by the Executive Board and hosted by the President’s school. It is scheduled for a weekday (normally the 2nd or 3rd Thursday) in November. The President-elect must meet with the EIU Union Office following the adjournment of the convention to finalize the date and contract for the next year’s convention. The EIU Union Office should be asked to send a letter of confirmation/contract to the new President. At the discretion of the Executive Board, delegate numbers may be limited. Fifteen voting delegates, honor delegates (DGL’s, Recorders, Credential Committee members, and Executive Board members), and advisors have made up the school delegation in the past.
3. The Executive Board plans and coordinates a Spring Workshop in March or April to be held at a member school. The program and topics for discussion are aimed at freshman, sophomores, and new student council members. The workshop is open to all schools within the boundaries of the district.
4. The Executive Board arranges for a charter bus/buses to the State Convention. The Treasurer contracts for the bus, sends the reservation forms, and collects the bus fees from the district schools. Cost of the travel is pro-rated among the passengers. Payment must accompany any reservations and is non-refundable expense. District general funds are not used to fund the buses.
5. The District fiscal year runs from September 1st to August 31st, with new dues payable beginning September 1st of the following year.
6. The Treasurer is responsible for depositing all district monies in a school activity account which is administered by a bonded bookkeeper. All pay orders/vouchers must bear the signature of the Treasurer and the Advisor to the Treasurer.
7. The Vice-President is responsible for publishing and distributing at least two issues of the District newsletter. The normal time is spring (February/March) and Fall (October/ November).
8. Candidates for district offices are expected to speak to the convention delegates during the first general session for no longer than 5 minutes. The Executive Board may appoint an official timer to notify the candidates of deadlines. A student delegate should nominate the candidate using a brief format decided by the Credentials Committee.
9. The Executive Board will provide for an adult parliamentarian to be present to assist the Executive Board during all general Sessions of the convention.
10. In order for the executive Board to conduct the business of the Association, it is necessary to hold regular meetings. These meetings normally are to be set for the third Wednesday of the month during September, December, January, February, and March and are to be called to order at 1:00 PM. The October and April Executive Board Meetings will occur during the workshops. The November Executive Board Meeting will occur at the District Convention, and the May Executive Board Meeting will occur at the IASC State Convention. Additional summer meetings may be held at the discretion of the
Executive Board.
1. Member schools are eligible to send participants to the district workshops, convention, and the district sponsored bus to the state convention. Member schools may also attend any Executive Board meeting as an observer. All schools within the boundaries of the district are invited to participate in the spring and fall workshop.
2. The President may, without Executive Board consent, arrange for stationary to be printed with the district logo and officers as part of the letterhead.
3. Each Area election shall be chaired by the retiring area representative. A list of the schools nominated and the votes recorded for each school shall be passed to the President of the EIDASC in order to determine the area representatives selected by the elected schools. School placement in the various subdivisions (Areas) and the number of Subdivisions (Areas) shall be evaluated by the current executive board no later than the October Executive Board Meeting each year.
4. A maximum of $20.00 shall be allowed for each candidate for district office. An itemized financial statement signed by the candidate and his/her advisor must be presented to the Credentials Committee before the convention is convened. This statement shall reflect the true value of all campaign materials. Failure to present such a financial statement shall rule a candidate ineligible. Candidates nominated from the floor must present such a statement immediately following nominations from the floor. All campaign material may be distributed only in the foyer.
a. Each candidate must be approved by the Credentials Committee. b. The candidate cannot campaign until the time set by the Credentials Committee.
c. There will be a special Credentials Committee meeting before the convention so the Credentials Committee can interview the candidates and discuss campaigning.
5. All students attending a district activity shall be accompanied by an adult school representative. Registration will not be accepted from a delegation without an adult school representative.
6. A joint board meeting will be scheduled no later than a month following the annual convention at which time all files and materials will be handed to the new Officer/Executive Board members and an explanation of duties will be made. Each member is expected to include a statement of specific duties, copies of letters sent during the year, and an evaluation including recommendations.
7. Copies of the newsletter will be sent to all schools within the district boundaries and to members of the IASC Executive Board.
8. As Host School for the annual convention, the President’s school is responsible for providing programs, name tags, voting permit cards, copies of the Association constitution, and handbooks to all registered schools. The program, schedule, speakers, and discussion topics are planned by the Officers/Executive Board. The Officers/Executive Board grants permission to the Host School to bring sufficient numbers of students to carry out the responsibilities at the convention.
1. The Board shall appropriate monies to pay one-half of the President’s expenses to the LEAD Conference. To receive this stipend, the President must attend 75% of all Board Meetings. Expenses shall include transportation, lodging, and registration. This shall be paid to the President before May 30th.
1. There shall be a Credentials Committee established to interview and determine qualifications of officer candidates for the Eastern Illinois District Association of Student Councils. The Committee shall be composed of three (3) students and one (1) adult advisor. The Adult Chairperson for the Credentials Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board at the September meeting.
2. The Committees function is to check the credentials of the Candidates as defined by the EIDASC Constitution. The committee may:
a. Fully recommend a candidate
b. Recommend a candidate with reservation
c. Disqualify a candidate
3. All committee members must bear all expenses for meetings. Including meals, transportation, and housing. The committee will conduct the elections. This includes printing, collecting, and counting the ballots as well as interviewing and recommending candidates. The Credentials Committee is also responsible for enforcing all campaign regulations.
1. Upon receipt of the Officer Candidate application, the Credentials Committee Advisor will forward a candidate’s packet. This packet will include:
a. Qualification of Officers/Executive Board members
b. A form for the true value of campaign expenses
c. The EIDASC Board Policy
d. A list of general and specific duties
e. A statement of expectations of the District Board member, the advisor, and the school district, which requires the signature of the principal, the advisor, and the parent, as well as the candidate.
f. A list for the statement of qualifications.
g. Information stating that each candidate may have two (2) posters that cannot exceed 36 X 42 inches, that handouts can be no larger than 8 ½ X 11 inches, that the large poster may be placed on a easel provided by the candidate and not included as campaign expenses and that, excluding the large posters, one copy of valid campaign material must be left with the Credentials Committee.
2. The prospective officer candidate must attend the Credentials Workshop at the Fall Workshop. Any prospective candidate who is unable to attend because of extreme illness or a prior-scheduled school event must notify the Credentials Committee Advisor before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the Fall Workshop. A fax message containing the absence reason and the signatures of the student council advisor and the high school principal is required.
3. A school advisor from each prospective candidate must attend the Fall Workshop and another student member of that school student council must attend for any prospective candidate.