EIDASC 2024-2025 Executive Board

Service. Leadership. Teamwork.

These are the elected officers of the EIDASC 2024-2025 Executive Board. They are composed of high school students from across the Eastern Illinois District's Member Schools. This board is dedicated to serving the Illinois community and representing their fellow youth at meetings, conventions, and conferences across the state. 

President Jonah Tibbs


Hey all! My name is Jonah Tibbs, and I am serving as your 2024-2025 EIDASC President. I’m a sophomore at Cumberland High School, where I participate in many activities other than Student Council, such as Track, Scholastic Bowl, Band, Spanish Club, Science Club, Math Team, ACES, and Eco Team. I am also my local council’s Vice President and my class President. I love travelling/camping, art, and baking (especially cheesecakes). I can’t wait to see what kind of goals we can accomplish with this amazing Executive Board!

Vice President Kaylee Smith


Hey everyone! My name is Kaylee Smith and I’m your 2024-2025 EIDASC Vice President. I am currently a sophomore at Sullivan High School. I am involved in Volleyball, Track, NEHS, FCCLA, Spanish Club, and Student Council where I serve as Membership Director. I love playing volleyball, shopping, and hanging out with my friends and family! I am looking forward to a great year with an amazing executive board! 

Secretary Ellanie Vanway


Hey everyone! My name is Ellanie Vanway, and I am your 2024-2025 EIDASC Secretary. I am currently a sophomore at Fairfield Community High School where I'm involved in Cross Country, Track, Math Team, FCA, FFA, Student Council, and the Sophomore Class President. Outside of school, I am involved in the FNB Street Team, 4-H, and my church's youth group. I enjoy baking and decorating cakes, hanging out with friends, and watching shows. I am so excited to be a part of this year's EIDASC Executive Board and can't wait to see what all we can accomplish!! 

Memberships Director Audrey Elliot


Hey guys! I am Audrey Elliott, your 2024-2025 EIDASC membership director! I am a junior from Newton Community High School. I am involved in student council, FFA, Beta Club, science club, and math club. Outside of school I am very active in 4-H, where I show pigs and cattle. I also own my own business growing and selling mums which keeps me busy. I am so excited to start this chapter with my fellow officers and everyone in the district. I can't wait to meet everyone! 

Convention Secretary Molly Harper


Hi everyone! I am your 2024-2025 District Convention Secretary, Molly Harper. I am a sophomore at Cumberland High School, where I’m involved in Yearbook, Track, ACES, and of course, Student Council, where I serve as secretary. Some things I enjoy are: biology, graphic design, and photography. It is very exciting to be a part of our district board and I can’t wait to see how far the EIDASC will come at this time next year!