Chapter 238

Year of Catastrophe

In the following two months, the heavens did not spare the princes, ministers and people of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Under the suppression of the imperial court, the refugee's riots in the South not only did not subside, but on the contrary, echoed with the Yi tribesmen in the Southeast. In court, Emperor Xingwu yelled at the incompetence of the generals who were responsible for combating the chaos. They had thought that increasing the troops would alleviate the rebellion. They didn't expect that the situation would worsen instead, with the army was also stricken by the disease that ravaged the south after the flood receded.

Just when a minister in the court proposed to transfer some of the Yunguan Iron Cavalry to the south, news of Northern Yan soldiers being dispatched to Wushuang City spread to Shangdu.

Emperor Xingwu had no soldiers at hand at this time. Chang Ling, who was stationed at Wushuang City, had sent several urgent reports stressing the danger of the situation, but Emperor Xing Wu ordered Luo Qi to hold onto Yunguan’s main forces, and only let a portion of the Iron Cavalry go provide backup. The north was now relying on this Yunguan Iron Cavalry to stand. Emperor Xingwu didn't dare think how he would have been able to stabilize the country if chaos ensued in the north while all the troops had left the border.

Luo Wei couldn't understand the events of this year either. In his memory, there had been no such catastrophes in Great Zhou. All the disasters gathered together and broke out all at once, as if the windless water that was originally as calm as a mirror, was suddenly swept away with a thousand ripples. Although he still had nothing to worry about in terms of food and clothing, Luo Wei had also become extremely busy. There were very few opportunities for him and Wei Lan to spend time alone.

"It won't always be so unlucky." Wei Lan was more open-minded than Luo Wei, and coaxed him, "Young master, let's take care of state affairs first."

Luo Wei had to listen to Wei Lan's words. Seeing everyone in court rushing about, he would also be too embarrassed to idle.

Emperor Xingwu was still distracted by and worried about Luo Wei's health, but seeing that Luo Wei had been busy day and night in the Ministry of Revenue, and he didn't see anything wrong with his health, there was finally something that made the emperor feel at ease.

Long Xuan came back from Yunzhou with more bad news. The epidemic showed signs of spreading to Yunguan. These news made Emperor Xingwu sleepless.

Luo Wei sat with Emperor Xingwu in the Changming Palace all night, but couldn't think of anything that could provide any peace of mind. Although he had nothing, he still told Emperor Xingwu, "I heard from Imperial Physician Wei that after winter, the epidemic may subside on its own.”

“Do you believe this?” Emperor Xingwu asked Luo Wei.

Luo Wei said, "Maybe this time Imperial Physician Wei is right?"

Emperor Xingwu shook his head and said, "I hope so."

While Luo Wei exhausted his heart trying his best to comfort Emperor Xingwu, the lights in Long Xuan's Hall of Literary Transcendence were also lit all night. "Is Luo Wei still at Changming Hall?" He asked Fu Yun who was standing in front of him.

Fu Yun said: "Yes, this slave just came from the Hall of Eternal Brightness."

"Are my father and him staying in the palace again?"

Fuyun said: "This slave doesn't know, this slave can't enter the palace. This servant heard from the people in Changming Hall that the Third Young Master often stays alone with His Majesty."

Long Xuan said: "Then go and get it done."

“Yes," Fu Yun received the order and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute," Long Xuan called out to Fu Yun again.

"Your Highness," Fu Yun waited for Long Xuan.

Long Xuan sat looking at the candles on the table. He hesitated for a long time without speaking.

Fu Yun didn't dare to ask, and just stood and waited.

"You go to work," Long Xuan finally said, "Remember not to let anyone catch you."

"The slave dares not be careless," Fu Yun said hurriedly. Seeing Long Xuan nod, he asked again: "Then Your Highness, this slave is going now?"

"Go," Long Xuan said.

Only then did Fu Yun retreat quickly.

"Eunuch Fu," Consort Chang had been waiting in the courtyard outside Long Xuan's study for a long time. When she saw Fu Yun coming out of the study, she called him.

"Master," Fu Yun saluted Mrs. Chang promptly.

"Is his Highness busy?" She asked.

"Master wants to see His Highness, can I pass it on for you?" Fu Yun asked Consort Chang.

"Okay," she said.

Long Xuan heard Fu Yun report that Consort Chang was outside and wanted to see him. He knew that she was here for Chang Ling's business, so he said, "Please come in." When Consort Chang entered the room, she saw Long Xuan sitting behind the desk writing something, without lifting his head. "Your Highness," She saluted Long Xuan.

"Your brother is fighting in Wushuang," Long Xuan said to her while writing, "but there is no battle report saying that your brother has injured, so you don't have to worry.”

“Thank you, your Highness.” Consort Chang was relieved when she heard her brother was fine.

"It's getting late, you'd better go back and rest," Long Xuan said again.

"This concubine retires." After just one sentence, Consort Chang heard the words that she should leave. She was bitter in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. After bowing and saluting, she still said to Long Xuan: "During the days when His Highness was away, everything was fine here in Qingwen Palace." [1]

"Thank you," Long Xuan was focused on the paperwork. He said to her without looking up, "Imperial Mother is in charge in the palace in any case. There’s nothing to worry about."

"Your Highness, please rest early. This concubine will leave." Chang's daughter finally had nothing to say, and retreated. Before going out, she glanced at Long Xuan again, but he was still busy writing and didn't even glimpse at her.

"Master," Consort Chang's personal servant saw her coming out, and rushed up to meet her.

"Let's go," Consort Chang stood outside the door of Long Xuan's study and sighed.

"His Highness is not going to my lady's place tonight?" The momo asked in a low voice.

Consort Chang walked out and said, "His Highness has business to do, so let's not bother him."

The momo didn't say anything, but sighed.

Consort Chang knew that the maid was worried about her, so she didn't blame her. The third imperial concubine, who got married at the same time as her, was now pregnant. Consort Chang touched her flat belly, when will she have a child? With Long Xuan's indifference, no matter how stupid she was, she knew that he didn't like her. Maybe, – Consort Chang turned around and took another look at the lit study room – maybe Long Xuan didn't want her to give birth to their son at all, right?

Long Xuan had been busy in the study all night. After dawn, he quickly washed his face, and stood in the courtyard outside, looking at the sky in a daze for a while. It was as if he had made up his mind about a difficult decision, before heading to Changming Hall.

Luo Wei took the two official documents that were to be sent out this morning and headed out to the office of the Ministry of Revenue. He bumped into Long Xuan just after leaving Changming Hall.

"You didn't sleep all night?" Long Xuan noticed Luo Wei's exhaustion at a glance, and asked.

"After morning court, I will go back to the mansion to have a rest." Luo Wei had too many things to do and couldn't finish them all. He really didn’t have the energy to think about Long Xuan anymore. “This minister is going to the Ministry of Revenue. Your Highness, please go ahead."

"Is your body able to bear it?" Long Xuan asked again.

"It's okay," Luo Wei said, and he also looked at Long Xuan, "How about your Highness's body? Is it okay?"

"The epidemic in Yunzhou is very serious," Long Xuan said, "but I'm fine."

"What kind of disease is there in Yunzhou?" When Long Xuan mentioned Yunzhou, Luo Wei asked one more question: "I also read the reports submitted by the imperial physicians who went to Yunzhou. Some said it was plague, and some said it was a hemorrhagic disease, which one is it?"

Long Xuan said, "I'm not a doctor, so I don't know." 

“Then when will they be able to confirm it?" Luo Wei said, "The only way to cure it is to know what it is."

Long Xuan only smiled wryly.

Luo Wei thought that he still had things to do, so he said to Long Xuan, "Forget it, this is something that the imperial doctors have to worry about. It's good that His Highness has returned safe. His Majesty is having breakfast in the palace, you can go in."

Long Xuan eyes followed Luo Wei’s figure as he left. So it's okay if I come back safely? He thought about Luo Wei's words, and didn't know whether they were genuine or false.

Translator Notes: 

[1] Reminder:

Qingwen Palace = Hall of Literary Transcendence 

Changming Palace = Hall of Eternal Brightness 

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