Associate Professor (Profesor Titular de Universidad) 

Dpto. de Física y Matemáticas, Universidad de Alcalá.

Ctra. Madrid-Barcelona, Km. 33,600.

Campus Científico-Tecnológico - Facultad de Ciencias

C.P.: 28805 - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain. 

During year 2023: Visiting Professor at:

Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT)

C/ Nicolás Cabrera, nº 13-15.

Campus Cantoblanco, UAM - 28049 Madrid, Spain.

National Committee for the Assessment of the Research Action (CNEAI) / Comisión Nacional de Evaluación de la Actividad investigadora (CNEAI) :

Six-year Research Periods / Sexenios de Investigación : 2 

· TRAMO 1 / PERIOD 1: 2008-2013 (Fecha de concesión / Granted: sept 25th, 2020) 

· TRAMO 2 / PERIOD 2: 2014-2019 (Fecha de concesión / Granted: sept 25th, 2020) 

Principal Investigator of Research Projects/Responsable de Proyectos de Investigación:

[1] Research Project code: PEJ-2023-AI/COM-28493 (BOCM No. 297, ORDEN 4721/2023)


· From Apr-2024 to Apr-2026. Consejería de Educación e Investigación (C.A.M., Madrid, ES)

· URL:

[2] Research Grant code: CM/JIN/2021-014


· From Jan-2022 to Dec-2023. Consejería de Educación e Investigación (Madrid, Madrid, ES)

· URL:

Coordinador de la Red IPOEFA - Coordinator of the IPOEFA Network

Patrocinada por / Sponsored by: Asociación Iberoamericana Universitaria de Postgrado (AUIP)

Red Iberoamericana de Investigación en Polinomios Ortogonales, Ecuaciones funcionales y Aplicaciones / Ibero-American Research Network on Orthogonal Polynomials, Functional Equations and Applications

Five-year Teaching Periods / Quinquenios Docentes: 1  (R.D. 1086/89, de 28 de agosto)

· TRAMO 1 / PERIOD 1: Desde/From 01/02/2013 a/to 16/09/2019. (Fecha de concesión / Granted: sept 24th, 2021)

Biographical Notes

Updated Summary of my Curriculum Vitae (year 2025)

I am currently Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Dept. de Física y Matemáticas of the Universidad de Alcalá (UAH). From 01/25/2023 to 01/25/2024 (1 year), I have been a Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT), within the framework of the NextGenerationEU Project under the program: Ayudas de Recualificación del Sistema Universitario Español para 2021-2023. 

I hold a Ph.D. in Mathematical Engineering (2012) and a Master's EEES in Mathematical Engineering (2009) from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Additionally, I earned a degree as a Technical Engineer in Computer Systems (Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Sistemas) (2005) from Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) and a 5 year Bachelor in Fundamental Physics (Licenciatura en Ciencias Físicas, especialidad en Física Fundamental) (1996) from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).

I also currently hold two active six-year research periods (Sexenios de Investigación) granted by the National Committee for the Assessment of the Research Action (CNEAI):  

• Period 1 (2008–2013): Granted September 25, 2020.  

• Period 2 (2014–2019): Granted September 25, 2020.  

In 2023, I secured funding from the Comunidad de Madrid (PEJ-2023-AI/COM-28493) to hire a Young Research Technician for a period of 2 full years to initiate a new research line in Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning (QML). My research project was approved by two anonymous referees with a score of 92 points out of 100, underscoring its academic quality and potential. This project leverages orthogonal polynomials (OPs) and their Christoffel-Darboux kernels to enhance quantum algorithms.

Along with Prof. Alberto Lastra (UAH), I co-founded and currently coordinate two research entities:

• RIPOEFA (Iberoamerican Network of Research in Orthogonal Polynomials, Functional Equations, and Applications): Established in April 2021, formally recognized by the Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Posgrado (AUIP). The network promotes international collaboration, organizes conferences, and runs a monthly online seminar series.

• AnfAO (Functional Analysis: Asymptotics and Orthogonality): A High-performance Research Group founded in September 2023 at UAH, dedicated to advanced studies in asymptotics, functional analysis, and orthogonal polynomials.

From 2022 to 2023, I hosted 3 short-term research visits (1 month each) at UAH, funded by the "Giner de los Ríos" program, for researchers from Mexico, Cuba, and the USA. These collaborations have further strengthened the international scope of my research.

As of today, I have supervised or am currently supervising:

• 1 Ph.D. thesis (co-advised with Prof. Lastra), initiated in March 2023, focused on functional equations, moment derivatives, and OPs.

• 3 Master's Theses (TFM): completed at UC3M (2014), UPM (2018), and UAH (2020).

• 5 Bachelor's Theses (TFG): 2 in Quantum Computing at EPS-UAH, 2 at the Faculty of Pharmacy (UAH), and 1 in forensic science at the Faculty of Sciences.

In terms of academic management, I served as Academic Secretary of the Higher Polytechnic School (EPS-UAH) from 02/02/2020 to 15/09/2022. In this role, I was an ex officio member of 12 academic boards, responsible for managing 10 engineering degrees, 2 double-degrees, and 14 master's programs. From 2020 to 2022, I was also an evaluator in UAH's DOCENTIA Teaching Activity Evaluation Program.

In 2013, I was honored with the UC3M Excellence Award (5th Edition) as an outstanding Alumni. This recognition highlighted my dedication to academic excellence and impactful research.

I have completed three extended research stays:

• Postdoctoral: Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), 2013–2015 (2 years), under a competitive FCT grant (SFRH/BPD/91841/2012).

• Predoctoral: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), 2011 (3 months).

• Predoctoral: Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), 2010 (2 months).

To date, I am the author or co-author of 30 scientific publications, including 19 articles in JCR-indexed journals, 6 book chapters indexed in SCImago (SCOPUS), 3 international conference papers, 2 technical reports, and my Ph.D. dissertation. My work has garnered over 125 citations, with an h-index of 7 (Scopus). Collaborations with researchers from about 10 countries around the world (e.g., Argentina, Brazil, Iran, Colombia, Cuba, Kosovo, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain) have further enriched my research output.

My research interests focus on orthogonal polynomials (OPs), special functions, and their applications. This includes the study of higher-order recurrence relations, Sobolev-type inner products, and the electrostatic interpretation of zeros. Additionally, I explore the application of OPs in QML and kernel methods for support vector machines (SVMs). These efforts have been pursued through participation in eight competitive projects, including my role as Principal Investigator (PI) in the project funded by the Comunidad de Madrid (Research Grant code: CM/JIN/2021-014, titled "Orthogonality and Functional Equations: Theory and Applications," Jan 2022–Dec 2023) under the V Regional Plan for Scientific Research and Innovation.  

I have presented more than 40 research talks and delivered around 30 seminars at international conferences, universities, and research centers. I have also contributed as an organizer of several scientific events, including the Ibero-American Meeting on Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications (EIBPOA) series.