Ensihoidon Tutkijoiden Journal Club

A (Finnish) Journal Club for Paramedics and Prehospital Researchers.

About our Journal Club

The Prehospital Researchers' Journal Club (Ensihoidon Tutkijoiden Journal Club) gives participants an opportunity to learn about recent and impactful articles of interest from the field of prehospital emergency care or prehospital medicine. If this interests you, feel free to join our sessions!
Note: Presentations and discussions are mainly in Finnish. Select sessions in English, depending on guest presenters.

2024 Fall/ Syksy

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2025 Spring / Kevät

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Sessions are Wednesdays at 17:00PM to 19:00PM (Finnish time) on set dates. All sessions are remote (Zoom or Teams).
All sessions are open for invited guest sessions, also potentially in English.
Confirmed guests and session language will be announced in the list above.

Focus and scope of journal club:

Overall focus and scope of the Prehospital Researchers' Journal Club is limited to prehospital emergency care (ensihoito) and prehospital medicine (ensihoitolääketiede). Within this overall scope, all specified areas of interest (ie. clinical trials or interventions, systems or safety science, education, job wellbeing etc) are accepted. There are no restrictions regarding methods or methodology. Alternatively, relevant articles outside the overall scope but with clear applications to a prehospital context, are also accepted. Presented articles should generally be published within 5 years, unless the publication has significantly high relevance.

The Prehospital Researchers' Journal Club is part of FinnEM Akatemia, a Finnish research community focused on all perspectives of acute and emergency care.
For more, see: Instagram och Twitter.


Up to two (2) participants present a peer-reviewed research article each during one session. Presented articles will be published above. Participants should be able to familiarize themselves with the article and the topic beforehand (minimum one week before). A Zoom-link will be sent to the participants within a week of the session. Presentations (15-20 minutes each) will be followed by discussion (40-45 minutes each). The total time of one session is 2 hours. 

Sessions are organised monthly (excl. summer months) with four sessions in the autumn (Sept - Dec) and five in the spring (Jan - May). Registration to individual journal club sessions through the links above. Registration is done in accordance with university requirements for ECTS accreditations (*).

Presentation Registering:

The Prehospital Researchers' Journal Club is mainly run by professionals with a background in emergency care/medicine. Presentations are available for Finnish prehospital medical, healthcare professionals and PhD students but we warmly welcome all cross-discipline professionals as well as international guests. 

If you are interested in presenting a publication fitting the journal club focus (see: focus and scope), you are welcome to register using the link below. If your language is other than Finnish, we will attempt to group English presenters together. Registrations can be done earliest at late spring, when we have the session dates for the coming year. All registrations are considered and allocated to slots according to presenters' own availability.

(*) University of Helsinki has approved accreditation of 1 ECTS for doctoral studies for participating in 10x Prehospital Researchers' Journal Club sessions. Further 1 ECTS is accredited for presentation of publication (unconfirmed, under review).

Anything you're want to know more about..?

For more information or further inquiries, feel free to contact the journal club administrator:
Christoffer Ericsson (christoffer.ericsson@arcada.fi)