Associate Professor 

College of Information and CommunicationsSchool of Library and Information ScienceEmial: Ehsan2[at]sc[dot]edu

I am an Associate Professor in the School of Information Science at the University of South Carolina.  

In my research projects, I utilize data science methods to address questions in various contexts, including health informatics, health misinformation, public health informatics, social media analysis, societal impacts of health and medical research, and the pros and cons of AI.  The outcomes of my projects have received recognition through publication in academic journals and conferences, including JAMA Network Open, The Journal of Medical Internet Research, Information Processing and Management, The Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, and The Journal of Systems and Software. Essential Science Indicators has acknowledged multiple of my papers as highly cited contributions, ranking them in the top 1%. 

I enjoy teaching data visualization, web analytics, user information behavior, research methods, information retrieval, data analytics, and management at the undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. levels.

I lead the Hi Da research lab, where I have had the opportunity to collaborate with undergraduate and graduate students, as well as international scholars across different disciplines. If you are interested in working with me as a co-author, visiting scholar, and Ph.D. student, drop me an email.

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