Eagan High School Band Boosters
See what we do. Learn how to get involved. Find out more about us. And stay connected!
The Eagan High School Band Booster Club (EHS Band Boosters) promotes and supports band students and programs, connects parents with other parents, and fosters the band community. Our primary activities include promoting and hosting educational and social events, providing organizational and logistical support, and fundraising to help provide educational, enjoyable, and rewarding band programs.
Note to Band Parents
2024-25 is going to be an amazing year for the Eagan Bands! The Marching Band will have a disco theme, there's the Spain trip in March, and, most exciting, EHS has enough students enrolled in the band program to add a fourth band. You really can't get much better than that!
The Boosters are excited to support our bands with fundraising and social activities but please know that we can't do it without you! The support of our wonderful families is so important and
we thank you for your time, talent, and financial support. There is always room to get involved and we invite you to visit our Webpage to learn more about available opportunities. You should also sign up for our email distribution list follow us on social media - we're active on Facebook and Instagram and often post volunteer and other opportunities there.
Finally, be sure to join us for an in person meeting! We meet one evening a month, generally from 7pm-8pm, either at the high school or a local Eagan venue. We're going to try being more flexible with the day of the week we meet this year, so keep an eye on your email, social media, or in the upcoming events posted below for details. Everyone is welcome!
Yours musically,
The Band Booster Board of Directors
Lori Sitowski, President
Stephanie Pearson, Vice President
Jass Lapastora, Secretary
Kirsten Walters, Treasurer
Upcoming Band Booster Events
Wednesday, January 8
6-6:30 - Booster Meeting
6:30-8 - Band in College Presentation
Thursday, January 16
Applebee's Dine Out
Tuesday, January 28
Freshman Carnival & Concert
You can find more information on the EHS Band Program website.