Eagan High School Band Boosters

See what we do. Learn how to get involved. Find out more about us. And stay connected!

The Eagan High School Band Booster Club (EHS Band Boosters) promotes and supports band students and programs, connects parents with other parents, and fosters the band community. Our primary activities include promoting and hosting educational and social events, providing organizational and logistical support, and fundraising to help provide educational, enjoyable, and rewarding band programs. 

Note to Band Parents

Wow – what an incredible fall!  Marching Band season was spectacular, concessions was successful, the Papa Murphy fundraiser was our most profitable to date and the food truck dinner was attended by more families than ever!  Our monthly Dine Out events continue to be well attended as well. 

None of these events or fundraisers would be possible without the support of our wonderful families.  Thank you for your time and talent and financial support. 

There’s still room to get involved.  We’re looking for volunteers to coordinate our winter and spring Dine Outs (all done by email, very easy!).  Our spring social event planning committee is looking for enthused help as well – this year’s theme is Spain!

We continue to communicate through social media and email.  If you have not joined our email distribution list, please do so.  Email List form.

Band Booster meetings are the second Tuesday of every month from 7-8pm and everyone is always welcome. Our theme for Tuesday, November 12th at 7pm is Boost the Band Boosters!  We would love for you to join us and give us a boost by bringing a friend!    



Sincerely - Your Band Booster Team

Lynn Stein, President

Stephanie Pearson, Vice President

Audrey Stokesbary, Secretary

Kirsten Walters, Treasurer

Sara Novak, Communications Lead and Photographer

Roberta Nelson, Fundraising – Papa Murphy & Fall Dine Outs

Darren Pearson, Fundraising - Concessions

Upcoming Band Booster Events


Wednesday, July 3rd

Booster Meeting EHS Band Room 6pm

Popsicles in the Parking Lot

Wednesday 7/3 - 7pm

East Entrance

Thursday, July 4th - Eagan Fun Fest Parade!

Eagan High School Bands

You can find more information on the EHS Band Program website.