Mentor & Mentee Testimonials 

"Getting to spend one hour a week with my mentee is one of the highlights of the week for both of us.  It's time that we can talk, play games and forget about our daily lives for a little while and just hangout. " 

"I enjoy the TeamMates program because it sets aside time for me to make a personal connection with a student. I'm excited to be a part of my mentee's journey as she transitions from elementary school to high school and see how she grows and reaches her potential." 

"Teammates is a great program. I enjoy being able to share my knowledge with a student to better prepare her for the next chapter in her life. The more time we spend together the stronger the bond will become. I hope I can make a difference in her to be a person that will see what the program did for her and she will in turn return the favor to a mentee of her own some day. Making a difference is my main point in wanting to be in the program. " 

"My favorite part of TeamMates is getting to know someone and play games such as basketball and football with them and do other fun stuff."

"I like having a mentor because I can do whatever I want with them and it's fun. My mentor, Laura, listens to what I say and she doesn't judge me. I love knowing that I get to see her once a week because she's so much fun to be around, especially when I'm sad or in a bad mood. She puts me in a good mood everytime iI see her. She is always positive and happy and she really makes me have a good day."

"My Mentor helps me though things when I fell like I can't tell other people so I am happy to have a mentor."