Photo Album

Hatching some dino-snacks for a showing of the 1993 classic...

Jurassic Park

based off of the 1990 novel by Michael Crichton!

-April 2019-

We have pens!

November 2018

This means we're official now, right?


We're the festive type.


Can you guess who we are?

September 2018

Mixing the old with the new - Second years help faculty welcome new students to the department at the annual mixer!

April 2018

The English Department says farewell and good luck to the graduating MAs of 2018!

January 2018

The grad lounge gets a couch!

December 2017

2018 grad, Thomas Rushin, opens his gift during our crazy sock gift exchange! It's hard to have a crumby day in fun socks . . . right?

December 2017

Getting festive in the cubes, Savannah Xaver (2018) shows off her winter love and interior design skills.

November 2017

When class is a trip to go see Art Spiegelman in Ann Arbor, you know you've made the right choice!

(Left to right: Jessie Aberl, Ben Steingass, Olivia DeClark, Celia Daniels, and Sara Dorsten)

October 2017

The Halloween spirit is strong in these ones...

(Left to right: Sean Burlingame, Marisa Mercurio, Thomas Rushin, and Claire Frisk)

September 2017

Sept 8, 2016, the 2018 and 2019 cohorts socialize with each other and their professors for the first time!