EGR Elementary Art

The blue and gold artwork seen above was created by the fifth grade students from Breton Downs Elementary for their Parent's Night Out Auction project. This auction, put on by the PTO, helps raise money for our school.

Welcome to our elementary art room web page! We hope to share some of the amazing things we are learning and creating in art class. We also provided some links to websites and places you can explore as a family.

EGR Art Mission:

Art provides an environment that nurtures self-expression, development of lifelong skills, and an appreciation for artistic heritage.


We believe that every child and student in our care is talented and capable of growing through an art experience. We further believe that art promotes the development of fine motor skills, creative problem solving, higher order thinking, and sensitivity to the ideas of others. Art provides tools for interpreting life experiences and helps develop a child's identity and sense of self-worth. Our focus for art education will always remain on process, rather than product

About the art teachers:

Mrs den Dulk standing with a Jim Dine sculpture

My name is Peri Padmos den Dulk. I am an artist, teacher, wife, and mother. I graduated from Calvin College with a degree in art education and earned a Masters degree from UW Madison. I am passionate about teaching young children to develop the creative tools they need to navigate our visual world. Our art room is an exciting, expressive, and messy place. I hope your child shares with you some of the wonderful projects we have created. You may contact me at

My name is Hillary Hausch and I am so excited to be working with the elementary students of East Grand Rapids! I graduated with a degree in art education from Hope College. I love working with children of all ages and I have a passion for art. I hope to share my love for art with my students and help them learn to think creatively in and out of the classroom. I cannot wait for you to see what your children create throughout the year! I can be reached at

Miss Hausch in front of a Chihuly glass sculpture