The ‘VIII Encuentro de Gramática Generativa’ will be held in Buenos Aires (Argentina) on 8th, 9th and 10th August 2018. The main objective of the conference is to foster the discussion of salient topics in the theory of grammar from different formal models, and to provide a forum for specialists to meet and exchange ideas.
Special session
in memory of Luis Vicente
Words for Luis
Cilene Rodrigues
Pronominalization under VP topicalization
Cilene Rodrigues (PUC-Rio), Andrés Saab (UBA-CONICET)
The limits of pseudo-sluicing. A squib for Luis
Doctoral Seminar
Karlos Arregi y Andrés Saab
After the EGG, professors Karlos Arregi and Andrés Saab will teach a doctoral seminar on Case Theory at the Universidad de Buenos Aires.

We are pleased to announce that the deadline of abstract submission has been extended up to 31st March in response to the requests received and due to the increased interest in EGG.
We hope this extension provides interested participants an opportunity to submit their abstracts for EGG8.
Abstract Submission
The papers should be innovative contributions in the fields of linguistic theory and/or their grammatical description, from different theoretical models. Each presentation will last twenty minutes, followed by ten additional minutes for discussion. No parallel sessions will be held. The official languages are Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Submissions are invited for papers in any field related to the formal study of grammar (Syntax, Morphology, Phonology, Semantics, Lexical theory, Interfaces, Language Acquisition, Philosophy of language). Grammatical descriptions within any explicit and formal framework are welcome. Talks will be organized around major topics, depending on the content of the submissions.
Abstracts should be anonymous and must include theoretical framework, hypotheses and objectives of the presentation. They should not be longer than two pages, including references and examples, with margins of at least 1-inch, 12pt Times New Roman. The deadline for the submission of abstracts will be on March 15. Participants will be informed if their presentations have been accepted by May 2018.
Abstracts should be sent by e-mail as an attachment to the following address: The plain text part of the e-mail must include the name of the authors and their institutional affiliation.
For further information write to:
Supported by
Instituto de Filología y Literaturas Hispánicas "Dr. Amado Alonso" and Departamento de Letras - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Program Committee
Ángela Di Tullio
(Universidad de Buenos Aires)
David Embick
(University of Pennsylvania)
Anikó Lipták
(Leiden University)
Jairo Nunes (Universidade de São Paulo)
Mary Kato (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
Francisco Ordóñez (Stony Brooks University)
Marta Luján (University of Texas)
Laura Kornfeld (Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET)
Organizing Committe
Fernando Carranza (UBA-CONICET)
Sofía Checchi (UBA)
Santiago Gualchi (UBA)
Guadalupe Herrera (UNLP-IESLV’JRF’)
Carlos Muñoz Pérez (UBA-CONICET)
Marisol Murujosa (UBA)
Mercedes Pujalte (UNGS-UBA-UNAHUR)
Ana Primucci (UBA)
Agustina de la Rosa Sallent (UBA)
Andrés Saab (CONICET-UBA)
María Florencia Silva (UBA)
Laura Stigliano (The University of Chicago)
Romina Trebisacce (CONICET-UBA)
Matías Verdecchia (CONICET-UBA)
Pablo Zdrojewski (UNGS-UBA-UNAJ)