Conferences/seminars organisation

Seminar on rational points ( Z O R P )

With Margaret Bilu, Kevin Destagnol and Simon Myerson we organise an online seminar on rational points (broadly). 

Its websites are in  researchseminars and here.

Conferences organised 

With A. Skorobogatov  M. Bright, S. Ramdorai and P. Vishe we organise a conference on rational points at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, 

CMI, Chennai, in January 2024. 


Conferences organised 

With Rachel Newton and Dan Loughran we organise a conference on rational points at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, 

Edinburgh, in April 2022. 


2. Cohen-Lenstra @ Max Planck

With Alex Bartel we organised a conference on the Cohen–Lenstra heuristics at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, from 3 to 7 June 2019. 

Its website is here.  

Seminars organised