European Friends Baroque Orchestra

The European Friends Baroque Orchestra (EFBO) is a group of high level amateur musicians playing baroque music in period style 

We meet once or twice per year for a project. Musicians live throughout Europe (Netherlands, Belgium, UK, Germany and France) 

Our next concert / ons volgende concert:

EFBO and Singers

15 December 2024, 15:00 hrs

Lukaskerk Arnhem-Elden (The Netherlands)

JS Bach: Magnificat

JS Bach: Orchestral Suite no. 3

A Corelli: Concerto Grosso Op 6.8 "Fatto per la Notte di Natale"

Conductor/dirigent: Armin Rothermel

Tickets 15€ (12,50€ pre-sale/voorverkoop via



Contact us by email for further information on this project