East of England pro-European Network

Page updated March 2023

Go back to the UKPEN linked groups page here: https://ukpen.eu/ukpen-linked/ 

Go to the Bylines Times for this region here: https://eastangliabylines.co.uk/

The whole Bylines network coverage is here: https://bylinesnetwork.co.uk/network-map/.

Electoral boudaries changing! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Periodic_Review_of_Westminster_constituencies#:~:text=Under%20current%20legislation%2C%20the%20four,work%20on%205%20January%202021

What is this website?

This site is a work in constant progress and development and is one of a set covering the whole of the UK (index page).  

It is part of what UKPEN Ltd  does.  

It charts the administrative and electoral boundaries  for the region paying attention to areas made up of groups of counties, and how they break down - counties, constituencies wards and voting areas.

You can navigate to your area using the drop-down menus at the top right (PC) or top left (mobile devices). Please send any comments or requests for editing permissions to eeproeurnet at gmail.com or ukproeurnet at ukpen.eu.

What is it for?

It's for local groups to use.

There's a lot of updating needed since the time we were fighting to stop Brexit happening.

Now it's the battle to rejoin.  It has begun and it's going to pick up speed and strength.  As that happens old groups will stop being dormant and will spring to life again.  For this resource to be useful, groups need to declare their presence and what territory they cover.  We in UKPEN will try to keep track of things by corresponding with our linked groups and contacting new groups that appear out of the shadows and invite them to link up.

Local groups   

The idea behind this work is that we need to see who we are, where we are and who our neighbours are. This is essential to plug the gaps in our network and to be ready for any new chance to vote. The constituency pages (there's a provisional example of a relatively well filled out constituency page here,  Aberconwy (example in EE to follow)) are supposed to help everyone get to grips with 

How do I use it?

To find what constituency you live in use this tool: https://mapit.mysociety.org/. The constituency index page lists the constituencies alphabetically and by area.  It can be used to navigate through to area and individual constituency pages. There are also links to lists on spreadsheets which can be used to help divide up the task of posting messages and news on all the Facebook groups throughout the region. Join your constituency group and start work for Europe! Join your national or area group to take part in events and discussions. The main national or area groups in the East of England are listed below, for more local groups follow the links to sub-pages.

To find out who your MP is, and to write to them, use Best for Britain's easy MP contact tool Hey MP!

To find out how your MP voted, and to get alerts on their activity in Westminster use They work for you.

In  East of England (EoE) there are: 

Six counties, and 58 Westminster constituencies, organised here in two areas (like Best for Britain's - whose maps for each area, extracted from this map, are used on this page ). Dozens of groups were started in EoE in the aftermath of the referendum, but many are now dormant or defunct.  The groups listed below are still active.  The figures in brackets are Facebook group member numbers as of March 2021.

Area map and constituency index here 

Bedfordshire & Unitary authorities:


(including Bedford, Central Bedfordshire and Luton)



People's Vote Luton

Regional Groups

For identifying the other groups there is  one of a series of 48% index groups in a closed group here: 

Its "sister" news and discussion group (to keep such items off the index) is here:

Represent Us regions: 

1:   Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire (also includes Northhamptonshire which is in the East MIdlands region)

7:  "East Anglia", that is, Suffolk and Norfolk

8:    Essex

12: Hertfordshire