
The shaded areas have groups using the Custom Google maps system:

For guidance on how to use it always consult the local group and see central guidance here: https://sites.google.com/view/ukpentoolboxcentral/street-mapping/custom-google-maps .


Active groups

The pages for Hertfordshire are partially developed as far as the UKPEN template for mapping down to ward level is concerned, but represent the first example of full integration of David Tate and Tim Lund's collaboration in preparing Custom Google maps for groups all over the country. Please give your feedback through UKPEN (eeproeurnet@ukpen.eu) or direct to David on hh.peoplesvote@gmail.com .

Further political use of these pages is also templated elsewhere in the ukpen.eu system (see eg the examples given here: https://ukproeurnet.wixsite.com/ukpen/the-sites .)