Our group focuses on creating energy-efficient circuits and systems that combine and process natural signals as well as electrical signals on a single-chip platform by integrating low-power analog, digital circuits and systems.
EEMIX lab에서는 디지털, 아날로그 전기신호 뿐만 아니라 빛, 생체신호 등과 같은 자연 신호를 감지, 결합, 처리하는 단일 chip 플랫폼 기반의 energy-efficient 회로 및 시스템을 연구한다. 이러한 단일 chip에 집적되는 저전력 아날로그 회로, 혼성신호 회로 및 디지털 회로와 시스템 아키텍쳐를 연구한다.
We invite you to browse our website to learn more about us and our research!
To Future EEMIXers
EEMIX Lab에서는 함께 연구할 석/박사, 석박통합과정 학생들을 모집합니다. 학비 및 생활비 장학금을 지원합니다. EEMIX Lab은 다년간 반도체 회로 분야 최고 학회인 ISSCC VLSI Symposium 및 최고 학술지인 JSSC에 다양한 집적회로 및 시스템들을 발표하였으며, 창의적이고 열정적인 여러분과 함께 연구하여 Innovative SoC를 구현하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
저전력 아날로그/혼성신호 회로 및 시스템, 이미지센서, LiDAR센서, Bio센서 SoC에 관심있는 학생들은 연락하세요. (choix215@g.skku.edu).
EEMIX is now open for creative and self-motivated students (M.S, Ph.D). Please contact prof. Choi (choix215@g.skku.edu) for detailed information~!
Growing Capability
Full-Chip Design Capability 매년 2회 이상 EEMIX Lab에서 진행되는 chip design & fabrication 중 1회 이상 full-chip design에 참여하여 설계 경험을 쌓고, 칩 설계 역량을 배양할 수 있도록 합니다.
Extending Vision
EEMIX Lab 신입생은 매년 미국 San Francisco에서 개최되는 ISSCC 학회 및 실리콘밸리 견학을 통해 시야를 넓히며, 재학중 다양한 국제 학술대외 참석 기회를 가집니다.
또한 미국 University of Michigan (UM), Ann Arbor의 집적마이크로시스템 연구실과 박사 교환학생 프로그램에 참여가 가능합니다. .
Recent News & Highlights
03/04/2025 [Welcome] Sungyong Kim, Seungjoon Lee, Jisoo Yoon, Jehyun Cho, Jikwon Moon, Heechang Je, Wangryong Lee, Jimook Kang joined EEMIX.
02/21/2025 [Paper] Houk, Jinpyo, Heesung's paper was accepted to be published in IEEE JSSC. The title is "All-Digital Event-Based Vision Sensor With Multi-Event Generation for Motion/Vibration-Adaptive Detection".
11/08/2024 [Invited Talk] Prof. Choi was invited to give a plenary talk at International Workshop on Image Sensors and Imaging Systems (IWISS). The title is "CMOS Direct Time-of-Flight Sensor for Solid-State LiDAR Systems".
11/05/2024 [Invited Talk] Prof. Choi was invited to give a talk at IEEE/IEIE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Asia (ICCE-Asia). The title is "Review of CMOS LiDAR Sensor for Solid-State LiDAR Systems".
10/15/2024 [Paper] Wonjong, Hyeongseok, Heesung, Minkyung's paper was accepted to be published in IEEE A-SSCC 2024. The title is "A 400x112 CMOS LiDAR Sensor with Reconfigurable-Resolution Histogramming Time-to-Digital Converters and Sub-cm Depth Refining Filter".
05/01/2024 [Paper] Jinpyo, Houk, Heesung's paper was accepted to be published in IEEE VLSIC 2024. The title is "A Digital Dynamic Vision Sensor with SPAD pixels and Multi-Event Generation for Motion/Vibration-Adaptive Detection".
03/02/2024 [Welcome] Sunwoo Eurm, Junsang Bae, Donghyuk Kim, Jaemin Lee, Hanseok Kim, and Minsu Hong joined EEMIX.
Past News & Highlights
11/23/2023 [Paper] Minkyung, Hyeongseok, and Songhyun's paper was accepted to be published in IEEE ISSCC 2024. The title is "A 320x240 CMOS LiDAR Sensor with 6-Transistor nMOS-Only SPAD Analog Front-End and Area-Efficient Priority Histogram Memory".
09/01/2023 [Welcome] Taehoon Jeon, Jungho Shin joined EEMIX.
07/01/2023 [Project] EEMIX started research on "Design of SPAD Farm Chip", funded by DB Hitek.
04/01/2023 [Project] EEMIX started research on "Short-Wave InfraRed (SWIR) Image Sensors", funded by MOTIE.
03/01/2023 [Project] EEMIX started research on "ROIC for Long-Wave InfraRed (LWIR) Image Sensors", funded by Samsung Electronics.
03/02/2023 [Welcome] Kihoon Kim, Sehoon Lee, and Bongju Lee joined EEMIX.
03/01/2022 [Welcome] Kihoon Kim joined EEMIX.
11/01/2022 [Paper] Hyeongseok and Kihwan's paper was published in IEEE Sensors Journal. The title is "Multievent Histogramming TDC with Pre-Post Weighted Histogramming Filter for CMOS LiDAR Sensors".
09/01/2022 [Paper] Yongsung's paper was published in IEEE ACCESS. The title is "A 2.03-mW CMOS Image Sensor With an Integrated Four-Stacked Charge-Recycling Driver for Image Signal Transmission".
09/01/2022 [Welcome] Jin Heo and Soodong Woo joined EEMIX.
07/01/2022 [Paper] Yeonsoo's paper was published in IEEE TCAS-I: Regular Papers. The title is "A Low-Power Indirect Time-of-Flight CMOS Image Sensor with Fixed Depth Noise Compensation and Dual-Mode Imaging for Depth Dynamic Range Enhancement".
06/15/2022 [Project] EEMIX started research on "Ultra Low-Noise Image Sensors", funded by MOTIE.
03/02/2022 [Welcome] Jinpyo Han, Jaewook Nam, and Heesung Lee joined EEMIX.
11/01/2021 [Paper] Yeonsoo's paper was published in IEEE A-SSCC 2021. The title is "A 70mW Indirect Time-of-Flight Image Sensor with Depth Dynamic Range Enhancement and Fixed Depth Noise Compensation".
11/01/2021 [Invited Talk] Hyeongseok was invited to give a talk at Hyundai Mobis. The title is "CMOS LiDAR sensor for automotive applications".
10/20/2021 [Paper] Wonhui's paper was published in IEEE TCAS-II. The title is "CMOS Image Sensor with Two-Step Single-Slope ADCs and a Detachable Super Capacitive DAC".
10/05/2021 [Invited Talk] Hyeongseok was invited to give a talk at Samsung Electronics. The title is "Single-Photon Image Sensors".
08/01/2021 [Award] Hyeongseok won "Outstanding Researcher Award (삼성전자전략산학 우수연구자상)" by Samsung Electronics.
05/01/2021 [Paper] Kihwan and Hyeongseok's paper was accepted to be published in IEEE VLSIC 2021. The title is "A CMOS LiDAR Sensor with Pre-Post Weighted-Histogramming for Sunlight Immunity Over 105 klx and SPAD-based Infinite Interference Cancelling".
04/01/2021 [Project] EEMIX started research on "CMOS Direct TOF sensor IC", funded by SK Hynix.
03/02/2021 [Welcome] Songhyeon Kim, Wonjong Roh, Seungik Jo, Minkyung Kim, and Junkyu Lee joined EEMIX.
02/15/2020 [Award] Prof. Choi won 'Silkroad Award' in ISSCC'21.
01/14/2021 [Paper] Hyeongseok's paper was published in IEEE JSSC. The title is "Direct TOF Scanning LiDAR Sensor With Two-Step Multievent Histogramming TDC and Embedded Interference Filter".
11/10/2020 [Award] Prof. Choi and Donguk won "Outstanding Invention Award (SK하이닉스 산학과제 우수발명상)" by SK Hynix.
10/01/2020 [Paper] Hyunsub and Junhyung's paper was published in IEEE Access. The title is "CMOS Skin Sensor for Mobile Skin Diagnosis using an Electronic Cotton Pad".
09/15/2020 [Paper] Donguk, Yeonsoo, Kiwhan's paper was published in IEEE JSSC. The title is "Indirect Time-of-flight CMOS Image Sensor with On-chip Background Light Cancelling and Pseudo 4-Tap/2-Tap Hybrid Imaging for Motion Artifact Suppression".
09/07/2020 [Award] Hyeongseok and Kihwan won "Minister's Award (산업통상자원부장관상)" in Korea Semiconductor Design Contest.
09/01/2020 [Welcome] Hyeongjoon Kim and Younghoon Lee joined EEMIX.
07/20/2020 [Award] Hyeongseok won "Outstanding Researcher Award (삼성전자전략산학 우수연구자상)" by Samsung Electronics.
05/21/2020 [Award] Hyeongseok's paper "A 36-Channel SPAD-Integrated Scanning LiDAR Sensor with Multi-Event Histogramming TDC and Embedded Interference Filter" in Symposium on VLSI Circuits 2020 was selected as a highlighted paper.
05/18/2020 [Paper] Hyeongseok's paper was accepted to be published in IEEE VLSIC 2020. The title is "A 36-Channel SPAD-Integrated Scanning LiDAR Sensor with Multi-Event Histogramming TDC and Embedded Interference Filter".
04/01/2020 [Project] EEMIX started research on "LiDAR Sensor for Mobile Devices", funded by MOTIE.
03/01/2020 [Project] EEMIX started research on "Ultra Low-Power Depth Sensor SoC for Next-generation AR Glasses", funded by NRF.
03/01/2020 [Welcome] Jaeyoung Ahn joined EEMIX.
02/15/2020 [Award] Donguk, Yeonsoo, and prof. Choi won 'Silkroad Award' in ISSCC'20.
02/10/2020 [Award] Prof. Choi won 'Best Researcher Award' in SKKU IICT.
12/08/2019 [Invited Talk] Prof. Choi was invited to give a talk at SK Hynix. The title is "Direct ToF CMOS LiDAR Sensors"
11/25/2019 [Paper] Donguk, Yeonsoo, Kiwhan's paper was accepted to be published in IEEE ISSCC 2020. The title is "A Dynamic Pseudo 4-Tap CMOS Time-of-Flight Image Sensor with Motion Artifact Suppression and Background Light Cancelling Over 120klux".
09/26/2019 [Award] Donguk and Yeonsoo won 'SiliconWorks Prize' in Korea Semiconductor Design Contest.
09/01/2019 [Welcome] Howook Lee joined EEMIX.
09/01/2019 [Paper] Donguk's paper was published at MDPI Sensors. The title is "Indirect Time-of-Flight Depth Sensor with Two-Step Comparison Scheme for Depth Frame Difference Detection"
04/01/2018 [Paper] Hyeongseok's paper was published at IET Electronics Letters. The title is "Histogram-based mixed-signal time-to-digital converter array for direct time-of-flight depth sensors"
10/01/2018 [Project] EEMIX started research on "Time-of-Flight CMOS Image Sensor", funded by SK Hynix.
09/01/2018 [Paper] Hyeongseok's paper was published at IET Electronics Letters. The title is "CMOS depth sensor with programmable filter circuits for environment-adaptive noise suppression"
08/08/2018 [Invited Talk] Prof. Choi was invited to give a talk at SK Hynix. The title is "Time-of-Flight CMOS Image Sensors"
07/01/2018 [Welcome] Yeonsoo Ahn and Kiwhan Cho joined EEMIX.
09/01/2017 [Welcome] Hyunsub Rie, Wonhee Park, Joonhyung Cho joined EEMIX.
07/01/2017 [Project] EEMIX started research on "High-Speed AFE & Time-to-Digital Converter", funded by Samsung Electronics.
07/01/2017 [Project] EEMIX started research on "Always-On CMOS Imaging SoC", funded by MOTIE, Korea.
07/01/2017 [Project] EEMIX started research on "iToF CMOS Image Sensor for Handheld Devices", funded by MOTIE, Korea.
03/01/2017 [Project] EEMIX started research on "High-Precision Time-to-Digital Converter", funded by Samsung Electronics.
03/04/2017 [Welcome] Yongsung Cho joined EEMIX.
03/01/2017 [Project] EEMIX started research on "High-Sensitivity Fingerprint Sensor", funded by ETRI.
02/01/2017 [Welcome] Dong-Wook Kim joined EEMIX.
11/17/2016 [Invited Talk] Prof. Choi was invited to give a talk at International Workshop on Image Sensors and Imaging System. The title is "Always-On CMOS Image Sensors: Energy-Efficient Circuits & Architecture"
10/26/2016 [Invited Talk] Prof. Choi was invited to give a talk at ISOCC. The title is "Review of Low Power Image Sensors for Always-On Imaging"
10/26/2016 [Paper] Prof. Choi's paper was published at IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics. The title is "Biometrics for Electronic Eyes: System Authentication with Embedded CMOS Image Sensor"
09/01/2016 [Welcome] Hyeongseok Seo joined EEMIX.
08/01/2016 [Paper] Prof. Choi's paper was published at IET Electronics Letters. The title is "Integrated visual sensor with 2D/3D imaging and in-situ proximity sensing for mobile devices"
06/01/2016 [Project] EEMIX started research on "Sensors for Self-Driving Car", funded by NRF.
04/26/2016 [Invited Talk] Prof. Choi was invited to give a talk at UNIST, Korea. The title is "Always-On Image Sensor: Energy-Efficient Circuits and Architecture"
03/01/2016 [Paper] Prof. Choi's paper was published at IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC). The title is "Always-On CMOS Image Sensor for Mobile and Wearable Devices"
03/01/2016 [Welcome] Prof. Choi joined Sungkyunkwan University.