Experimental and

Environmental Fluid Lab 

Welcome to EEFL @ Hanbat National University!

Welcome to our research group (Experimental and Environmental Fluid Laboratory) in the department of Mechanical Engineering at Hanbat National University. Our research focuses experimental and theoretical fluid mechanics with flow visualization techniques and CFD. We pursue multidisciplinary research to address both fluid mechanics and environmental engineering problems and develop novel devices for applications in aerodynamics, energy, and the environment.

We are looking for passionate undergraduate and graduate students! Please contact us at jjk11@hanbat.ac.kr

 Research Topics

External flow and wind engineering

Drag reduction

The drag reduction of vehicle is the principal challenge to improving fuel saving and decreasing air pollution. Several flow control devices, including gap fairing, cab roof fairing, boat tail, and side skirt were introduced to reduce the aerodynamic drag exerted on vehicles.

Fluid-Structure Interaction(FSI)

Flows over bluff bodies are closely related to aero- or hydro-dynamic forces on structures. In biomimimetic applications, flexible strutures are usually employed and quantitative flow informaion is essential for optimizing structural design.

Environmental fluid engineering

Particulate matters

Indoor air quality, especially in terms of particulate matters (PM), is a critical concern in public health. The effects of flow structures, water vapor, and surface structure inside a test chamber on PM deposition were quantitatively investigated with flow visualization techniques. Mean velocity fields and turbulence intensity were obtained experimentally by a PIV technique for further understanding of the mechanism associated with PM deposition. 


Social anxiety about micro-plastics is spreading as a new environmental threat. In the near future, the plastic problem may become a social disaster, thus, research on continuous monitoring technology is required. We plan to develop an optical-based real-time micro-plastic detection technology.


 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanbat National University, 125, Dongseodaero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea 

#406 N7 (Prof.) / #413 (Student offi.) / #402 (Lab.)

Tel. 82+ 042-821-1082                   E-mail : jjk11@hanbat.ac.kr