Key things I believe matter to you:

Cost of living, taxes, housing 


Healthcare and the NHS


Infrastructure and transport

Read on for more details:

Economic Development:

Infrastructure and Transportation:



Education and Skills Training:

Environmental Sustainability:

Community Safety and Well-being:

Youth and Leisure Services:

As your MP, I am dedicated to being an accessible and responsive representative. I will hold regular meetings to hear the community's main concerns and seek courses of action to resolve those issues. I believe it is vital to maintain open lines of communication and actively seek input from all residents.

 Together, we can address Warrington South's challenges and build a brighter future for our community.

Sunak-Starmer Debate: 'A More Varied Political Landscape is Essential'

The Sunak-Starmer debate underscored the need for a more pluralistic political landscape. It highlighted the limitations of the two-party system and demonstrated the potential benefits of electing more independent candidates who can introduce new ideas, address local issues, promote accountability, and enhance democratic representation. I believe that encouraging the presence of independents in the political arena can lead to a more vibrant, inclusive, and effective democracy.

E P Willett

The Role of Independent Candidates in Enhancing Democracy.


Having served in Central America fighting drug trafficking, in Bosnia and in Northern Ireland, I am acutely aware of how important the defence of the UK is at home and abroad. The current Government have run down defence spending to dangerous levels, something which needs reversing.

Why We Can't Trust Sunak or Starmer's Financial Claims

Amid recent economic promises from Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer, scepticism remains warranted. Sunak's Conservative spending plans and Starmer's Labour proposals both face scrutiny. Sunak's strategies often prioritise austerity, risking social inequality, while Starmer's ambitious spending raises concerns about debt sustainability.

Election agendas drive both leaders' economic narratives as they compete for public support, resulting in exaggerated claims and selective statistics. This electioneering blurs reality, making it difficult for the public to trust their financial commitments.

Until an independent body audits these claims, it's wise to remain cautious about Sunak or Starmer's economic promises.

We are spending more than we are bringing in.

Sewage dumping

I am particularly disturbed by the water crisis we are facing and the fact that sewage is being allowed to be dumped into our rivers and water systems. This, at a time when water rates and big-boss profits are rising, is truly abhorrent. I will challenge the companies directly in the area to address this and use my influence in Parliament to effect change.