Independent Candidate Warrington South

Edward Willett

I am fed up with the way we bounce from blue to Red in these elections. 

I remember the chaos at the end of the last Labour government, and we are in the same state now as the Conservative's term in government comes to an end. We are flip-flopping from red to blue and back again.

In the upcoming election for Warrington South, it is crucial to break away from the traditional choices of Labour and Conservatives. 

I think it's time for change.

Both parties have long dominated the political landscape, often prioritising their broader national agendas over the unique needs of our local community. 

While historically championing social justice, the Labour Party has frequently been entangled in internal strife and policy inconsistencies, leaving many of our pressing local issues needing to be addressed. On the other hand, the Conservative Party's focus on Austerity Measures and economic policies often overlooks the immediate welfare and development needs of communities like ours.

Voting for an independent candidate offers a refreshing and much-needed alternative. As an independent candidate, I am free from party politics and can put Warrington South's particular needs and interests first.

I will bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions tailored to our community without the constraints of a national party agenda. By electing an independent representative, you are empowering a voice that truly understands and is committed to our local concerns, fostering more responsive and effective governance. Choose progress and real change for Warrington South by supporting an independent candidate in this election.

I have taught in schools for 22 years, helping educate children and develop young leaders. I work in local Warrington schools and have seen the chalk face firsthand. The future of the UK and local area depends on a sustained focus on giving children the best life chances through education.

I have served in the Army and was deployed to Northern Ireland, Bosnia, and Belize. I strongly believe that the defence of this country and pride need to be re-established in our armed forces. I have served as a volunteer fireman and currently serve the youth of Warrington through the army cadets as a volunteer. Service is at my core.

As a descendant of a famous freedom of speech activist, James Brown (Isle of Man), I am passionate about the democracy that we live in.

Click on name below or follow the link to the IOM museum page.

James Brown