
How to Login UFUTURE

This video will showcase how UiTM lecturers can login UFUTURE.

Below are the steps:

1. Enter https://ufuture.uitm.edu.my/

2. Click login

2. Enter login and password


FOR UITM STAFF: Please login using UiTM iStaff Account. If your password is incorrect, please reset in iStaff Portal.

FOR UITM PTFT / Contract / Part-time: Please login using number staff (username) and IC without dash (password).

FOR KKB: Please login using your IC as username and password.

Join or Leave a Course / Group

How to Join a Course or Group in UFUTURE

This video will showcase how to join a course or group in UFUTURE.

Courses and groups taught by lecturers need to be joined in UFUTURE. Below are few important things to take note:

  1. Courses joined with group instructors will remain in dashboard until the lecturers unjoin / leave the courses.

  2. Group only visible based on the active semester. If need to view the previous semester group data (example EES data), the lecturers have to join the group and semester again.

  3. Courses and groups for distance learning will be activated by the admin (for non-UiTM lecturers).

How to Leave a Course or Group in UFUTURE

This video will showcase how to leave a course or group in UFUTURE.

Lecturers can leave or unjoin the courses and groups taught them. This is to update the lecturer's dashboard with courses that being taught for current semester. Below are few important things to take note:

  1. All the course materials and interactions will remain in course although we leave the course.

  2. We can join back to the course at anytime to access the teaching materials.

  3. Courses and groups for distance learning will be removed by the admin (for non-UiTM lecturers).

Upload Content

How to Upload Course Materials in UFUTURE

This video will showcase how to upload course learning materials in UFUTURE.

There are 3 ways to upload in UFUTURE:

  1. Upload in Course Content

  2. Upload in Group Content

  3. Upload in Learning Activities

Course learning materials can be added in UFUTURE using 3 method:

  1. Upload files

  2. Link to a website (Note: this feature also can be used to link to any URL or google drive)

  3. Link to YouTube (Note: use YouTube URL)

Create Online Discussion

How to Create Online Discussion in UFUTURE

This video will showcase how to create online discussion in UFUTURE.

There are 3 ways to create online discussion in UFUTURE:

  1. Create in Course Forum

Note: All the students registered for the course can participate in course forum. If you want to restrict the participation, please add password.

  1. Create in Group i-Discuss

Note: Only student registered in the group can participate in i-discuss.

  1. Create in Learning Activities

Create Online Class

How to Create Online Class in UFUTURE


This tutorial will show how to create an online class using learning activities module in UFUTURE.

How to Create Online Class Schedule & Attendance

This video will showcase how to create an online class schedule and attendance in UFUTURE (Step 1 & 2).

There are 4 steps in creating the schedule and attendance in UFUTURE:

  1. Add the class schedule.

Note: The class schedule can be created earlier at any time before the online class session.

  1. Students sign-in their attendance (15 minutes before until 15 minutes after their online class).

Note: Students tick (/) in their attendance list under the Online Class link when they are present for the online class. You may view the student's screen for attendance sign-in here.

  1. Lecturer verifies the student's attendance (15 minutes after their online class).

Note: Lecturers can verify as the student present if the student forgets to tick present in their online class attendance.

  1. Generate the verified student attendance list.

Note: Lecturers can print the verified student attendance for reporting purposes.

* An automated announcement will be generated at group announcement when the online class schedule is created for the first time (screen design in progress). If lecturers edit the the generated schedule, they have to manually post the announcement for the students.

How to Verify and Print Attendance

This video will showcase how to verify and print online student attendance in UFUTURE (Step 3 & 4).

There are few things that lecturers have to take note:

  1. Verification only can be done after the screen for student's attendance registration is closed (Example if the online class schedule is at 8am-10am, student's attendance registration is from 7.45am to 10.15am. Only after 10.15am lecturers can verify the student's attendance).

Note: The is no time limit for the verification process. It can be done at any time after the student's attendance registration is closed.


How to Create Assignment in UFUTURE

This video will showcase how to create an assignment for students in UFUTURE.

There are few things that lecturers have to take note:

  1. There are 2 types of assignment (individual and group) can be given to students.

Note: You may view the student's screen for assignment submission here.

  1. Student can resubmit multiple times their assignment work until end date and time.

  2. Only 1 file attachment (maximum 100MB) allowed for student assignment submission.

Note: There are 2 (TWO) ways students can use to submit multiple files:

Option 1: Please save all the files in one folder and attach the zipped folder for submission. The maximum file size allowed for the attachment is only 100MB. If the file to attach exceeds 100MB, please use option 2.

Option 2: Upload all the files in a Google Drive folder and share the link in the comment box for submission.

How to Create Rubric in UFUTURE

This video will showcase how to create rubric for student assignment in UFUTURE.

How to Create Student Assignment in UFUTURE (PDF Version)


This tutorial will show how to create student assignments in UFUTURE.

*Video tutorial in progress


How to Create Assessments in UFUTURE


This tutorial will show how to create assessments in UFUTURE.

*Video tutorial in progress

CDL-CQL Reporting

How to Create CDL-CQI Report in UFUTURE

This video will showcase how to create the CDL-CQI report in UFUTURE.

There are 3 levels of reporting for CDL-CQI in UFUTURE:

  1. Group Level

Person Responsible: Lecturers teaching the course group

To Do:

  1. Fill up the OBE-SCL Implementation (Self Evaluation)

  2. Fill up the CO-PO-LO-KI Alignment (Self Evaluation)

  3. Fill up Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Report (if any)

  1. Course Level

Person Responsible: Resource Person (RP)

To Do:

  1. Fill up the OBE-SCL Implementation (Self Evaluation)

  2. Fill up the CO-PO-LO-KI Alignment (Self Evaluation)

  3. Fill up Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Report based on group level CQI reporting (if any)

  1. Program Level

Person Responsible: TDA / OBE Committee

To Do:

  1. Fill up Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Report based course level CQI reporting (if any)


  1. The users that allowed to access to this reporting is based on the list provided by UHEK (for program level).

  2. Please click the button "REFRESH DATA" located top right in CDL-CQI reporting screen if any new data has been added or before printing.

  3. The CDL-CQI reporting page loading for the first time / when refreshing will take a longer time to load the data on the screen.

Entrance and Exit Survey (EES)

How to Create EES in UFUTURE


This tutorial will show how to create EES in UFUTURE.

There are few things lecturers have to take note for EES:

  1. Lecturers can't add or edit EES questions when there is at least one survey response from the student.

  2. The opening and closing of EES is based on UiTM Academic Calendar.

Blended Learning (BL) Reporting

How to Register Other Platform for BL


This tutorial will show how to register the use of other platform for teaching and learning for BL reporting.

There are few things lecturers have to take note for BL:

  1. BL reporting is generated based on the data from UFUTURE.

  2. If lecturers are using different platform for their teaching and learning (Example: Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams and etc), they have to enter the details in the BL reporting.

  3. The duration for BL registration is based on UiTM academic calendar.

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