Social Emotional Learning

Recommended Books Connected Social Emotional Learning in Our Classrooms

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"This collection of exhilarating quotes, carefully selected by Lisa Blackshaw, offers you the opportunity to secure a recharged and refocused morning routine - every day. These quotes have been recited by some of the world’s greatest leaders, best authors, intriguing philosophers, and wisest individuals who have freely shared their viewpoints on life."

"In Joyful, designer Ingrid Fetell Lee explores how the seemingly mundane spaces and objects we interact with every day have surprising and powerful effects on our mood. Drawing on insights from neuroscience and psychology, she explains why one setting makes us feel anxious or competitive, while another fosters acceptance and delight—and, most importantly, she reveals how we can harness the power of our surroundings to live fuller, healthier, and truly joyful lives."

"It takes courage, positivity, and passion to thrive as a teacher. This vivid and inspirational guide offers educators practical wisdom and strategies to promote their wellbeing and balance."

"Research proves that by intentionally practicing gratitude, we can dramatically improve our disposition, bringing us more joy and better health. Consistently and intentionally practicing gratitude can also lead to better relationships and more successful learning experiences. In this book, Lainie Rowell shows how educators can use small gratitude practices to make a big difference with kids, peers, and the world."

"In his previous books Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work!, both New York Times bestsellers, Austin Kleon gave readers the keys to unlock their creativity and showed them how to become known. Now he offers his most inspiring work yet, with ten simple rules for how to stay creative, focused, and true to yourself—for life."

"Now, more than ever, our world needs a simple daily ritual to focus on the good in our lives. The author first learned of this ritual through a book called 8 to Great, written my MK Mueller,. This workbook is about sharing that ritual. Inspiring others through this book to become more aware of the gratitudes in their lives will spark a revolution of gratitude that will lead to true happiness around the world."

"Are you looking to live each day with more positivity and motivation? This book will help transform your mindset and inspire positive thinking with daily doses of digestible quotes, mantras, and prompts."

"In the book that inspired one of the most popular TED Talks of all time, New York Times bestselling author Shawn Achor reveals how rewiring our brain for happiness helps us achieve more in our careers and our relationships and as students, leaders, and parents."

"Today's teachers face a daunting challenge: how to ensure a positive school experience for their students, many of whom carry the burden of adverse childhood experiences, such as abuse, poverty, divorce, abandonment, and numerous other serious social issues. Spurred by her personal experience and extensive exploration of brain-based learning, author Marilee Sprenger explains how brain science—what we know about how the brain works—can be applied to social-emotional learning. ."

"In From Behaving to Belonging, Julie Causton and Kate MacLeod detail how teachers can shift from a "behavior management" mindset (that punishes students for "bad" behavior or rewards students for "good" or "compliant" behavior) to an approach that supports all students—even the most challenging ones—with kindness, creativity, acceptance, and love."

"In Teaching with the HEART in Mind, Dr. Lorea Martínez Pérez provides a comprehensive roadmap to understanding the psychology of emotions, relationships, and adversity in learning, while equipping you to teach SEL skills and develop social and emotional intelligence for yourself and your students. Full of practical techniques for educators of all subjects, this is your guide for transforming your classroom through essential SEL principles."

A Little SPOT of Feelings by Diane Alber 

"This box set includes 8 Feeling Books: A Little SPOT of Empathy, A Little SPOT of Frustration, A Little Calm SPOT . A Little SPOT of Worry. A Little SPOT of Belonging, A Little SPOT of Flexible Thinking, A Little SPOT of Boredom, and A Little SPOT of Feelings: Emotion Detective"

"Onward tackles the problem of educator stress, and provides a practical framework for taking the burnout out of teaching. Stress is part of the job, but when 70 percent of teachers quit within their first five years because the stress is making them physically and mentally ill, things have gone too far. Unsurprisingly, these effects are highest in difficult-to-fill positions such as math, science, and foreign languages, and in urban areas and secondary classrooms―places where we need our teachers to be especially motivated and engaged."

"Academic-related anxiety is common in high-achieving and struggling classrooms alike. So how can teachers calm students’ fears and empower them as learners? Educator Stacey Roshan found the answer with technology. In Tech with Heart, Stacey shares that the fight to be first, the pressure to be right, and the stress surrounding test scores were just a few of the many reasons she chose to flip her class."