Digital Literacy

Recommended Books Connected to Media Literacy, Digital Literacy, and Digital Citizenship

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"Our society is flooded with technology. It enables people to connect, it amplifies voices, and it has the power to enrich lives. Yet our society can be so distracted by the possibilities of technology that we can forget it is our humanity-and the stories we share-that make it meaningful. As educators, it is up to us to ensure that students know how to use all the resources available to them to think critically and compassionately about the world."

"The blurring of entertainment, information, and persuasion is reshaping work, life, and citizenship. As a result, our relationship to media has never been so important nor so complex. By asking critical questions about what they watch, listen to, read, and use, students can be better prepared to be responsible communicators who can use a variety of formats and genres for self-expression and advocacy.."

"Fact vs. Fiction provides educators with tools and resources to help students discern fact from fiction in the information they access not only at school, but on the devices they carry in their pockets and backpacks. "

"In Digital Citizenship in Action, you ll find practical ways for taking digital citizenship lessons beyond a conversation about personal responsibility so that you can create opportunities for students to become participatory citizens, actively engaging in multiple levels of community and developing relationships based on mutual trust and understanding with others in these spaces."

"Written to help teachers and parents educate the next generation, Master the Media explains the history, purpose and messages behind the media.  The point isn't to get kids to unplug; it's to help them make informed choices, understand the different between truth and lies, and discern perception from reality.  Critical thinking leads to smarter decisions - and it's why media literacy can save the world."

"In today’s schools and districts, just saying “no” to bad technology practices is not enough. This leadership posture can take the form of extreme blocking and filtering of websites, providing little access to devices and declining to integrate digital tools and resources into learning out of fear of what else a student might do. Such a mindset can also lead to adults choosing not to engage -- or being unable to engage -- in conversations when students share stories about what a peer did online or through the latest app."

"In this essential exploration of digital citizenship, Mike Ribble provides a framework for asking what we should be doing with respect to technology so we can help students become productive and responsible users of digital technologies. This new edition includes the nine elements of digital citizenship and how to incorporate them in the classroom along with lesson plans and professional development activities designed to instill digital citizenship concepts."

"Equipping students for their future begins by helping them become digital leaders now. In our networked society, students need to learn how to leverage social media to connect to people, passions, and opportunities to grow and make a difference. Social LEADia offers insight and engaging stories to help you shift the focus at school and at home from digital citizenship to digital leadership."

"You don’t have to be a communication professional to create to learn. Today, with free and low-cost digital tools, everyone can compose videos, blogs and websites, remixes, podcasts, screencasts, infographics, animation, remixes and more. By creating to learn, people internalize ideas and express information creatively in ways that may inspire others."

"Use this book’s community-based approach to building digital citizenship to teach, learn, and thrive in today’s digital environment.  Expertly navigate the pitfalls of the digital world, take hold of the plethora of opportunities available to you, and confidently engage in online connections without fear!"

DigCitKids: Lessons learning side-by-side, to empower others around the world by Marialice Curran, Jyoti Chopra, Mary Jalland, and more. 

"DigCitKids is digital citizenship for kids by kids. DigCitKids solve real problems in local, global, and digital communities. This book is a compilation of stories, starting with our own mother and son story, and shares examples from both parents and educators on how they embed digital citizenship at home and in the classroom."