Sample case that a good rational moral decision is not always executed


Qiqi was a freshman student, because of her disability the way she speaks she was always being bullied by her classmates and making fun of her. They always copied the way she talks and laugh after. Qiqi feel sad about it and sometimes you can see her always being alone and stay quite in the corner and did not even mingle to everyone. She do not even participate in every recitation because she was scared to be laugh by her classmates. Qiqi is so patient always trying to understand and ignore them believing that fighting back is not a good solution and besides it was also taught by her parents. Doing a good things to someone who is hurting you is the best revenge you can do. If you show goodness to people even if they are bad it will make them realize their mistakes. Qiqi are hopeful about this belief, that one day may come for her classmates to realize that bullying is not good and will feel sorry about it.

One day it was Qiqi’s turn to do a reporting on her one subject. But it just happened that her classmates are not listening to her explanation and just laughing at her. They are not even paying attention to what she is discussing, she feel humiliated and totally lost her temper. She was totally fed up to the point she shouted and threw the paper she is holding on them. She fight back and put a piece of paper on the mouth of her classmate who are laughing at her and slapped it on face.


At first Qiqi is a patient and understanding girl, so she keeps ignoring her bullied classmates even if she feel sad and hurt about it. Believing in her principle that only good deeds will made realize someone’s mistake. But the time she was totally fed up and lost control of herself she fight back and hurt her classmate. This shows that sometimes, we human could not always execute good rational moral decision in the times when we are mad. When our emotions arises we can not think and do the right thing. Feelings and emotions play a big role when it comes to making decisions it changes our moral beliefs and become irrational like in an instant. Executing a good rational moral decisions all the time sometimes is kind of hard because we are just human. We have to be aware and understand others why they are behaving this way because everything has always a reason.