Case Histories

School exists to develop a child’s passion to learn.

Our Curriculum revolves around 4 core understandings:

  1. The very foundation of education is understanding one’s self and the others around you. It is through Social Emotional Learning (SEL) that we support children on their long journey through life.

  2. When classes are fun, children develop a life-long love of learning.

  3. What we value must be reflected within our curriculum. Because of this, we spend ample time out in nature, and in all classes strive to embrace our children’s creativity.

  4. That hands-on project-based classes teach our children more effectively and allow them to express their own interests far better than worksheets

Coping with environmental crisis cannot but presuppose a change in the values adopted by modern man. Both ecocentric values associated with creating a caring relationship with nature, and the development of empathy, can become vehicles of transformation towards a society based on ecological principles. In connection with these issues, an Environmental Education program for preschoolers was designed and implemented in the classroom. The evaluation shows that preschool children can be interested in non-human beings, can feel the need to protect them, and ascribe them intrinsic value.