Spring Forth Academy

Above: Founders Jenny Hannack (left) and Bobbie Turner (right)

Press Release from Spring Forth

Spring Forth Academy is a non-profit, private school that launched in the fall of 2022 and currently serves learners ages 4-14. At Spring Forth, we firmly believe that every child has been uniquely created by God to find a calling to change the world. Spring Forth leases space from Emmaus Church in Spring Valley to house two learning studios. The academy is not affiliated with Emmaus Church. The Sparks studio incorporates the Montessori method for younger learners (ages 4-7) and Danielle Colbenson serves as their guide. Jenny Hannack serves as the guide for the Discovery studio for the older learners.

Jenny Hannack has been grateful to serve in elementary education in area communities for over 20 years and also owned her own tutoring business from 2017-2022. Throughout her time serving children and families, Jenny wrestled with a desire in her heart to offer a different type of education for children that would foster curiosity and a love for learning. In the fall of 2021, Jenny read a book called Courage to Grow by Laura Sandefer that resonated with ideas that had been mulling around in her head and heart. The book details the journey of a family who dared to open a new school called Acton Academy. Acton Academies focus on offering learner-driven and real-world education, fostering a growth mindset for students, a goal of developing a lifelong love of learning, and encouraging habits that support success into adulthood.

Jenny shared the book with several friends including Bobbie Turner who was equally intrigued by the ideas incorporated in the Acton model with a special interest in how her own children may benefit from such a model. Bobbie brings years of experience in business and team-building to the table that lends itself to a very complimentary partnership with Jenny. In the spring of 2022, Jenny and Bobbie started the audition process for approval to open an Acton Academy which is no small feat as only a small number of applicants receive approval. In May 2022, Jenny and Bobbie were thrilled when their application was approved and thus, a new partnership and a new school –Spring Forth Academy was born!

Spring Forth Academy is now enrolling for the 2023-2024 school year. If you are interested in further information please visit our website https://springforthsv.org/ or contact Bobbie Turner at bobbiet@springforthsv.org with any questions.

Submitted by Spring Forth Academy - August 2023

My Questions Answered

As of 8/8/23 are there any openings for fall 2023?


What grades?

We don't have grades. We have two studios.


Cost is $3,000 for half-days for Sparks (they would have to be 4 or 5 in the fall to be eligible for half-day due to WI school enrollment laws) and $5,000 for full days.