Curriculum Options

Some Stuff Local Homeschoolers Like


Shurley English

"Shurley English can be a bit boring, and there is no lack of course work, but it can be modified to fit your student. I found that we could not fit everything in and I didn't want the course to be drudgery. But, I couldn't believe how much my son learned in just three years. I never learned that much in all of my parochial and public education. He knows more than his older siblings who did not take Shurley. I can't say enough about it. Each book begins at the very beginning, so if you have 4th grader, get book 4. There is a CD with jingles to help remember different things, but we found it be annoying." 

-- Michele, Eau Claire


The Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum

Free American History and Civics lessons.


Memoria Press

" . . . [Latin] is another great way to learn grammar and vocabulary which helps with spelling our funny English words. We used Memoria Press and I have been pleased with the results."

-- Michele, Eau Claire


Math U See

"I like the logical progression of Math-U-See, taking one concept and building on that and then explaining WHY that is. There aren't any pretty, colorful pictures in the book, so, no distractions. Mr. Demme is an engaging teacher and keeps the lessons lighthearted (DVD). There are resources at the website such as a worksheet generator w/answers if you need them. The only draw back to MathUSee, I think, is that there aren't enough review problems. You'll learn a new concept in Lesson 5 but then won't get it again until Lesson 8. You can easily put in past concepts before that by yourself but it would be nice if they would do that."

 -- Michele, Eau Claire


My Father's World -

"We are just starting  our homeschool journey and are currently using My Father's World curriculum. I enjoy this curriculum because it lays out step by step what to do each and every day for someone who was not homeschooled like myself! It also has book lists for each unit that we rent from the library and I read to all my children. There are optional craft ideas for every unit as well. My son is starting to read small words and it's quite exciting! I can get his school done during nap time and that's a big help as well. Overall I would recommend it!"  

-- Anna, Eau Claire 

Timberdoodle -

"They put together customizeable curriculum kits starting at an infant level,  with religious and non religious preferences. Great choices for STEM resources and an emphasis on fun in learning with several games included in each grade. We do our gift shopping through this source as well as for school. "  

-- Becky, Boyceville 

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