Woodworking Project

I really enjoyed this project and the groupwork we had to do. I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to work with. We each delegated tasks for each other and worked together to help each other out. We only really varied when it got to the sketching aspect of the project. We all did our own sketches and then essentially put them together. Our final product was a mix of many of the ideas we had brainstormed. The end goal was to make an effective and easily assessable portable table. Alas, I personally think our final product met all the requirements that we had to meet. Also, I must say that I like the way it came out to look with all the details that we put in it.

<----Final sketches

Google Doc Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BZqzw4tjMyZAcUrrYMrxT1LWDxiby5I87mY0x2kNFQU/edit