Machine Learning

Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience. It is seen as a subset of artificial intelligence. There are a few steps taken when you are working with machine learning. They are as follows:

  1. Pick the item and/or person you wan the program to detect.

  2. Have all your items ready and have the background and surrounding area as clear as you can get it to be.

  3. Take turns getting a few images of each item/person.

  4. Label each different section a specific name.

  5. Train the model, test it out, and enjoy the program!

All in all, I really enjoyed this assignment and will definitely be making sure I use it later on in my teaching career. It was simple and fun, and I will undoubtedly recommend this to my classmates and students.

I couldn't get my screen to record, so as a substitute I put screen capture images. The images are in this order: Image #1 is on the left of this writing. Then, images #2 and #3 are the results of the model. Their order doesn't matter, they just show the different consequences of the model.