
Atmosphere: Venus has an extreme atmosphere that contributes directly to it having the hottest planet surface in the solar system. This atmosphere is thick and mostly made of carbon dioxide with clouds of sulfuric acid.

Planet type: Terrestrial

Physical features: Venus is a landscape of valleys and high mountains alongside thousands of volcanoes. However, its surface has been a point of controversy among scientists as new technology retrieves new information.

Weather: Due to its dense atmosphere, this planet's surface temperature is 900 degrees Fahrenheit! At the top of Venus' clouds are hurricane-force winds that whip around the planet at speeds reaching 224 miles per hour.

Size: Radius is 3,760 miles

Speed: 1 rotation around the sun for Venus takes 243 Earth days.

# of Moons: None

Other interesting facts:

  • This planet follows a similar formation history to Earth as our predecessor, so there is a lot to be learned from studying Venus!

  • Venus spins in the opposite direction from Earth!

  • One day on Venus is longer than one year on Venus!

  • There are no seasons on Venus!