
Atmosphere: Jupiter has a dense, dry atmosphere composed of mostly hydrogen and helium.

Planet type: Gaseous

Physical features: There is no firm surface on Jupiter. Instead, Jupiter is covered in brown, red, white, and yellow clouds composed of hydrogen and helium.

Weather: The average temperature on Jupiter is -238 degrees F. There are often intense, violent storms where the wind can get up to 385 mph.

Size: The radius of Jupiter is 43,441 miles which is approximately 11 times bigger than the Earth.

Speed: Jupiter travels around the sun once every 11.86 years on Earth.

# of Moons: Jupiter has 53 official moons, but scientists say that there are over 20 more waiting to be officially named.

Other interesting facts:

  • Jupiter is one of the two gas giants of our solar system!

  • The composition of Jupiter is similar to the Sun!