Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

At #EdPins, we take online safety seriously. This project makes learning public and visible and therefore submissions need to follow these protocols to ensure safety. We ask that all #EdPins entries follow the same '5 Pillars':

1. #EdPins entries will not harm or endanger students or educators

It is of utmost importance that your #EdPins entries do not release any information about a student or educator which could be damaging or hurtful. Entries should not dox any student or teacher. Students' names and image should never appear together. Submissions must respect the COPPA law of Child Online Privacy and Protection. Obscene or offensive content is never allowed in an #EdPins submission.

2. #EdPins entries are objective not subjective

The goal of this project is to map educational practices and opportunities around the globe. It is not to give our opinion of the schools that we are entering. Indeed, this is why we are looking to 'repurpose' Google Maps reviews in the first place! There are numerous other websites that would allow you express your opinion and review your school if this is your intention. Please try and make your #EdPins entry as objective as possible.

3. #EdPins entries respect the Google Maps review policies

#EdPins repurposes the Google Map reviews of schools to put learning on the map. As such, it is important that our host's review policies are followed and respected. Entries which violate these policies will be flagged and removed from Google Maps.

4. #EdPins entries are community moderated

When you come across a real #EdPins entry that is in good spirits, give these entries a 'thumbs up' vote on Google Maps. Should you come across a submission which is bad taste or is endangering a student or teacher, choose the 'flag as inappropriate' option on Google Maps. This will have the added benefit of floating objective, positive content about a school to the top of its' Google Maps reviews!

5. #EdPins entries follow the official conventions

In order for #EdPins entries to be effective it is important that things like the titles, categories, structures and sharing conventions are followed uniformly by all those who submit an entry. This will ensure efficiency and ease in searching, finding and making use of #EdPins entries. To find out more about the official hashtags, click 'Share' on the navigation bar.