I have a simple Google Form that collects data, and, using AppScript, sends confirmation emails to users who fill it out. After user submits the form, on confirmation, s/he will see a link to edit his/her response.

Send a per-populated form link and have the user re-send it. You'd need to have some kind of control field (e.g. the username), so you can know and delete/ignore his older submits. Possibly automatically via a script.

Edit Link

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You could also develop and publish an apps-script GUI and send a link to this apps script plus a parameter that you generate where you can determine which entry you should edit. The down-side of this approach is that it's somewhat cumbersome and overkill to re-design the whole form on Apps Script. But again, it works.

I help run an Etsy Shop where we started selling editable Canva templates of Business Cards, Announcement cards, and more. When creating the sharing links we make sure to use the "Template Link" instead of "Link shared publicly" so everybody who purchases the template gets a link to edit their own copy and the original design stays intact.

I recently heard back from a customer that said they couldn't edit the template. It turns out that they where trying to access the template link on an iPhone. After some troubleshooting, I was able to replicate the issue on my iPhone, but by chance I had my wife try on hers and it worked. The only difference I could find was that she didn't have the Canva app installed so it would open the link through the web browser, but when our customer and I tried opening the link through our phone it would error out when trying to open through the app.

Hello. I recently sent an email with the wrong embedded link in my newsletter. I was told I could not make a change to the distributed newsletter/email; however I could send a new email to my subscribers with the new link.

This solution does not work as the content was exactly the same, just the wrong url was hyperlinked to a word. My hope was CC would allow me to edit the sent email to update the link without having to resend a newsletter.

This functionality would be similar to updating a link on a web page but being allowed to keep the same title and same page. Since my email had 'Having trouble viewing this email? Click here' feature, people who receive the email would click the 'click here' and get the newly corrected link.

We are updating the status of this idea to Gathering Information. While we recognize there are instances where a link would need to be updated after sending, there is a risk of this feature being abused by changing a link directing recipients to inappropriate pages or spam content. Once the email is sent, there isn't a way to make any edits to it, whether it's a link, content, or photos. Emails act like letters sent from a mailbox. Once it's gone, no changes can be made.

We don't have plans at this time to include this functionality but wanted to keep the post open to hopefully gather suggestions from the Community on how else links could be reviewed before being sent. Would there be some kind of built-in tool while creating the email? Or a screen that appears before sending to remind you to check your links? We're certainly open to ideas!

I had the same issue! It would have been REALLY nice to be able to edit the links within the sent emails. I hate that I had to send out an additional email to our employees saying - oops...here are the right links. UGH!

I am trying to edit the header of my site in squarespace (I am in the trial period, don't know if that takes away the ability to do some stuff?). There are three link-titles in the top left of the header (they came in with the original template) - "services" "about" and "contact". When I click to edit the header I can change the colors, the logo, insert one completely unmovable button at the top right (!), but there is NOTHING to access in order to neither change the text of the three above mentioned links, or to activate them as functioning links. I have searched high and low to find some way to do this. This is a basic function in any website, so making it work and editing the text of these links should be readily available. Where is it? I need help. If I can't get passed this I will have to give up on Squarespace....

In a data-checking script that I am creating, I would like to generate a link for someone to be able to edit a particular entry in a Kobo form - for example if an issue is found, I would like to be able to send the data-entry staff member a link to the response with the error so that they can amend it.

For context, data is pulled from Kobo via the API, and we will run the script. This link should be generated away from an internet browser, and lets assume that the person opening the link is signed already and has the permissions to edit forms.

This is becoming fairly critical on our end - @Kal_Lam @nartabaza kindly are you able to suggest a solution, or if I am doing this wrong somehow? The ideal is that anyone can edit a submitted form when clicking a link, without the need to sign in - @ayitey7000 has the same need I understand.

The whole reason why I'd like to link to it though, is that when we press "e" to edit the document, it takes you all the way back up to the top and we have to scroll down to get to the heading. When we press "e", and are therefore in edit mode, clicking the link just tries to edit the link. What I'd like to be able to do is to use that link in edit mode, rather than edit the link.

I want my users who log into the site to have access to their profile edit screen but nobody else's (obviously). Thing is, there doesn't seem to be an "easy" way to accomplish this in Drupal 9 unless I'm blind because the current menu functionalities don't appear to let an admin create links which reference an authenticated user's UID in the URL they make.

The menu I'd like this "user profile edit link" to be populated in is the secondary menu. Is there not an easy way to do this without needing to either dive into a bunch of custom code or install additional modules? I mean, I guess I can do either of those if I'm forced to but you'd think that something like this would come out-of-the-box with Drupal as advanced as it has become.

I can't edit (or remove) external links, that I copy-paste to Evernote for Android. For example : anchor text .

On Android, apps don't give you a lot of control. So sometimes I need Evernote to have the power of a simple text editor, that will show me the difference between the claimed link e.g. and the real link, e.g. 

When I paste a link inside an Evernote note, all I see is the anchor text. I can edit only the anchor text (title of the link), not the URL. When I long press on a link, I get the android menu : cut, copy, paste, select all, dictionary, translate. I looked in all menus, there's no option to edit or remove the link, like on the Windows app (Ctrl+K).

So when I don't have a computer, I'm stuck.

Hi, and welcome to the forums. I'm afraid "this is how it works in Evernote for Android" is the answer. It just doesn't give access to the underlying URL. The ability to create a link with the URL concealed behind anchor text in this app (sort of the inverse of what you're trying) is a long-standing feature request, but not yet implemented.

Some apps, when you select a link to copy to the clipboard, offer options to "copy link text" and "copy link address," and the latter option would get you the URL. But that's no help with other apps that don't show that option. I presume you're trying to check links before actually opening them in a browser, where of course you'd see the URL. I don't think Evernote will be the tool for this particular job.

You can create a link to a file or folder in your Dropbox account to share it with others. When you share a file or folder via link, you can choose to give people with that link edit or view-only access.

Learn how to manage your default sharing settings.

For added security, you can also set a date after which Box automatically disables the link (if your Box Admin has enabled this capability). This is useful if you wish to make your content available only for a limited period of time or, if you have no specific end date, you simply do not want it available indefinitely.

Box enables you to apply passwords to shared links whose scope is People with the link. When you add a password to such a shared link, anyone who follows the link must enter the password before accessing the file or folder.

When you create a shared link, you can customize its ending. This feature is intended to make content readily accessible to large groups of users, externally or internally, using a customized URL that is easy to remember.

If the shared link is available with People with the link scope, then the linked folder or file is publicly accessible. Custom URL is appropriate for public-facing materials such as product documentation or marketing materials, and is not intended for the secure sharing of sensitive content. 9af72c28ce

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