Educational Leadership Theories

"In industrial, educational, and military settings, and in social movements, leadership plays a critical, if not the most critical role, and is therefore an important subject for study and research. (Bass, 2008, p. 25)

Sam's 'big' ideas:

All resources for the course will be posted on this website and on myCourses.

The course is currently divided into three main parts:

Part 1: Setting the Stage (4 classes)

1. Course intro, hellos, gudielines and expectations (Sept 9)

2. The Evolving Nature of Leadership (Sept 16th)

 Critical Perspectives as Interpretative Frameworks

3. Interpreting Leadership Theory Using Critical Perspectives (Sept. 23rd)

4. Thinking Differently About Leadership: A Critical History of Leadership Studies by Suze Wilson (Sept. 30th)

Part 2: Synthesis and Analysis of the Theories (7 - 8 classes)

5. Attribute-Driven Theories (Oct 7th) (student-led seminar)

6. Production-Driven Theories (Oct. 21st)  (student-led seminar)

7. Leader-Driven Theories (Oct. 28th)  (student-led seminar)

8. Group-Driven Theories (Nov. 4th)  (student-led seminar)

9. Relationship-Driven Theories (Nov. 11th)  (student-led seminar)

10. Complexity-Driven Theories (Nov. 18th)  (student-led seminar)

11. Justice-Driven Theories (25th)  (student-led seminar)

Part 3: Moving Forward: Translating Theory into Practice (2 classes wk. 12/13)

12.  Gender & Leadership (Dec. 2nd)  (student-led seminar)

13. Integration and the Path Forward (Dec. 4 ~ Wed. make up class!!)

Emergent Themes Across Leadership Theories ~ Generative Dialogue ?

The Interconnection of Leadership Theory and Development 

Closing Thoughts --->Leadership and Educational Theory always evolving 

The students will use the Dugan textbook and pick selected readings to use for their class presentation from the EDEM 673 library course reserve:

The focus will depend on student interests and background. I reserve the right to change and substitute one or more readings.

Hope you join me on this great adventure!

Sam Bruzzese

Twitter: @sam_bruzzese Email: Website:

If you have any questions please contact me via email or Twitter.

" Of all the hazy and confounding areas in social psychology, leadership theory undoubtedly contends for top nomination... Probably more has been written and less is known about leadership than about any other topic in the behavioral sciences."

(Bennis, 1985, p. 259)