Instructional method & class breakdown !
This course is a knowledge and research-focused course meant to provide students with a solid understanding of leadership and educational leadership theories
To that end, each class (starting in class 5 ) will generally be divided into 2 segments geared towards building knowledge, as well as research and critical analysis skills.
The segments are:
Instructor facilitated ---> lectures, readings, discussions, case studies and vignettes (60 ~75 min)
Student-initiated ---> presentations/ invited guest speakers/videos/learning activities (60 ~75 min)
The student-led seminars will be undertaken in an “apprenticeship model,” → where the instructor will work with students and provide feedback to ensure a high-quality class relevant to an important theory/issue. We will try to reflect on how theory may improve practice.
Detailed instructions and rubrics for the course assignments always posted and must be submitted on myCourses:
Assignments (finalized during the first class)
Perusall readings & annotations (25%)
Collaborative Work (15%):
small gr. discussion
Self eval rubric
Group Presentation on leadership theory with case study (30%)
Presentations in weeks 5 to 11/12 (groups of 3 students?)
Rubric to be used for presentation feedback: Google form
Artifact ~ use Adobe Web Page Express (free version)
Reflective Essay and/or weekly blog (30 % ) → in 2 parts
Leadership self-assessment: Your point of departure (individual) (10 %) due Sept. 16 now Sept. 23rd
End of course reflection: Your key learnings and agency for future learning and action (20 %) due Dec. 11th
Student may choose to do a weekly blog:
6 reflective blog posts (400+ words ~ 1 or 2 pages) on the class activities, weekly readings, group discussions, etc. (due class 4 (includes mini bio), 6, 8, 10, 12, 13 --- due one week after end of course
Each post is due just before class on Mondays.
On the weekly blogs you comment on group discussions, class readings, lectures, and most importantly ~ what you think (not what you think I want to hear)!
Weekly mark —> 2.7, 2.5, 2.2 —> A , A-, B+ // will be based by what you write about group/class discussion, specifically mention readings, general thoughts and any other observations on leadership theory.
Your first blog due on Sept. 16th should include a short bio (who you are, what you do, your passions, why you are taking the course) and also comments on your Flip experience as well as week 1 and 2 readings (text & articles):
As well as --> Leadership self-assessment: Your point of departure
The mark breakdown will be adjusted/changed depending on student background and expertise.
The course assignments from the Fall 2017 version of the course:
Weekly Blog (25 %):
13 reflective blog posts (800+ words ~ 1 or 2 pages) on the class activities, weekly readings, group discussions, etc.
Each post is due on Wednesday ~ one night before class on Thursday
On the weekly blogs you comment on group discussions, class readings, lectures, and most importantly ~ what you think (not what you think I want to hear)!
Weekly mark —> 2.7, 2.5, 2.2 —> A , A-, B+ // will be based by what you write about group/class discussion, specifically mention readings, general thoughts and any other observations on leadership theory.
Your first blog due on Sept. 20th should include a short bio (who you are, what your do, your passions, why you are taking the course) and also comments on your Flipgrid experience as well as week 1 readings (text & articles)
Theory Presentation (20 %):
You will be assigned a leadership theory (chapter +articles +case study to read)and will meet with others in your class who have been assigned the same theory (3 or 4 students MAX). Your team is responsible to teach the class assigned leadership theory in a presentation of approximately 10–15 minutes (max) followed by a 20 -30 minutes group discussion built around the case study provided and personal experiences. The following Rubric will be used. We will probably use Adobe Connect or Google Hangouts or Zoom for this module.
DUE in classes 5 to 10, depending on the night you are presenting. Class 4 will be devoted to working on this assignment in a breakout room probably using Adobe Connect or Google Hangouts
3 Mini Quizzes (15%):
Mini quizzes on class readings (Class 5, 9, 12)
Creation of Social Media Presence -->Twitter, Clips, Google Sites, Facebook, etc. ) (10%) :
You will create and build a social media profile that will reflect you and your professional identity. This will be useful as many school boards now require admintrators to be digital leaders. Lots of examples and scafolding will be provided.
Due: Class 13
Final Course Projects are designed to promote students' in-depth engagement with the course material (pick one of the following options) (30%).
Northouse in the textbook makes the following suggestions ~ don't worry we will adapt them to give a Canadian/Quebec context:
Capstone paper that distills students’ beliefs and learning about leadership (See This I Believe Essay document)
Creative project involving the arts (See This I Believe Photography Project document)
Book review (written assignment and oral presentation)
Service learning project, where students practice their leadership skills while giving back to the community ~ could be done with students in your school.
Coaching assignment: Develop and execute a plan for teaching leadership skills to a group on students or community group
Film analysis paper
If you are already involved in research or want to do something very specific then you may write a 12 - 15 page research paper based on one of the leadership approaches studied or another leadership project that interests you.
If you are considering this option please let me know by class 4 at the latest so I can provide all the necessary details. DUE: class 13 (two weeks after last class).