Day 1


Dearest CCICTV,

Hola from Ecuador! After a lovely 7-hour 1AM-8AM flight from SFO to Panama City and another 2 hour flight from Panama to Guayaquil, we have finally arrived at our accommodations :)

Lots of sporadic sleeping on various planes and chairs. Auntie Louise also got us into a club thing in the Panama City airport while we were waiting for the flight to Ecuador, very cool. Elaine and I mostly did college orientation things and we also ended up playing an endless game of 2-person Bluff!

Pre-flight prayer

A quick food review: 

The weather in Guayaquil is very China, very humid. The local missionary and his wife picked us up and one of the restaurant-owning locals graciously sent some scrumptious dinner to our Airbnb. After a very filling dinner, we discussed our plans for tomorrow, the political situation in Ecuador, safety concerns, and some insight from the missionary. It's apparently fairly hot right now for what is supposed to be their winter (every day is 70-90 degrees), so we expect to be about three shades tanner by the time we get back. 

To summarize what the missionary shared about what's going on in Ecuador:

Tomorrow we'll be going to the open market and doing some home visitations. Will keep ustedes updated.

Thank God for a smooth first day overall, we're excited for the week ahead! Elaine and I will be updating the prayer requests page daily if anyone would like to pray for us.

That's all for today, good night, God bless ~


green bois