How It Works

The Design Thinking Cycle and the Roots & Shoots 4 Step Formula

For the EcoWira Project, we combine the well-known Design Thinking Cycle and the Roots & Shoots 4 Step Formula to create a synergistic cycle of enquiry, which students follow, in order to develop and implement their eco-solutions.

Here you can find the English Version of the Roots & Shoots 4 Step Formula and Tool Kits you can use to help you.

The Roots & Shoots 4 Step Formula: Step 1: Get Engaged/Describe a problem: Getting inspired is the first step to realizing your potential to make change. (Read more at the roots and site provided above)Melibatkan diri Anda: Bermula dengan semangat untuk melibatkan diri anda dalam memahami masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh komuniti anda.
Step 2: Observe: Roots & Shoots and LeapEd Services believe that YOU are the expert. You will use the same strategy as the Jane Goodall Institute’s scientist and field experts to explore your local community and identify areas to make a difference with a tool called Community Mapping. Mengenal pasti jalan penyelesaian: Setelah anda sudah mengenal pasti sesuatu masalah, sudah tiba masanya untuk memikirkan dan merancang jalan penyelesaian untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.
Step 3: Take Action: Present your findings to your group mates and have a discussion about what you have learnt. Take action to narrow down your project ideas and identify your community issue. Mengambil Tindakan: Sekarang tibalah masanya untuk anda mengambil tindakan dan lihatlah idea anda membuahkan hasil berdasarkan rancangan yang telah anda gariskan.
Step 4:Celebrate Success: At Roots & Shoots, we believe that every step you take to improve your community is important and is worth celebrating.Meraikan kejayaan: Tahniah! Anda telah berjaya menolong komuniti anda dalam menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah! Sekarang masanya untuk meraikan kejayaan anda!

The Design Thinking Cycle

This is a 5 step process, which can be revisited or repeated throughout the cycle, until the solution has been finalised. Students will learn to Empathise, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test their ideas until they have a sound response. These steps are aligned with the Roots & Shoots 4 step formula, every step of the way.