Other resources

1. Economistsview.typepad.com

2. Mark Thoma- Winter of 2009 YouTube econometrics videos


4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Research_institutes_in_Delhi

5. https://www.intelligenteconomist.com/

6. www.statisticshowto.com

7. https://econforeverybody.com/

8. Emerald online database

9. India Stat (database)

10. Jstor (database)

11. Economic outlook (database)

12. Prowess (database)

13. Economic and Political weekly (database)

14. EPWRF India time series (database)

15. Blog.minitab.com

16. Policonomics.com

17. http://www.easybib.com/cite/view- for citations

18. economicsdisscussion.net

19. https://econpapers.repec.org/

20. Econlib.org

21. Economicshelp.org

22. http://www.u.arizona.edu/~mwalker/econ501b.htm

23. http://ideas.repec.org/

24. S Chand economics publishing series

25. East Asia Forum

26. Thinktankinitiative.org

27. The yearbook of International organizations- published by the union of international associations.

28. Thinktankmap.org

29. NBER summer econometric lectures

30. Studyingeconomics.ac.uk

31. Think tanks and civil societies program (TTCSP)-global to go thinktank index

32. https://www.un.org/development/desa/civil-society/what-we-do/how-to-apply-for-


33. http://www.devnetjobsindia.org/


35. Freeeconhelp.com

36. https://www.intelligenteconomist.com/top-economics-blogs-2016/

37. Openaccessjournals.com

38. http://ghdx.healthdata.org/

39. http://www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.in

40. Inomics.com: a website which gives you info about job

opportunities/scholarships/conferences In economics

41. http://icssr.org/rcri_institute_main.htm

42. http://itforchange.net/list-of-organisations-and-individuals-supporting-civil-society-input-


43. https://norad.no/en/front/countries/asia-and-oceania/india/

44. http://www.arthapedia.in/index.php?title=Home_Page

45. Springer economics and mathematical systems publishing series

46. http://www.study-aids.co.uk/economics/

47. https://ideas.repec.org/top/top.journals.simple.html

48. Jstor, SAGE, Springer,Palgrave and researchgate- aggregator of journals

49. http://onlinestatbook.com/

50. Questia.com

51. Global scan sustainability leaders report

52. Guidestar India- search engine for NGOs in the country

53. Massivefund.in

54. thealternative.in

55. https://ngosindia.com/contact-us/- Another database for NGOs

56. SHRAM.org- project on migration in India

57. http://www.tatatrusts.org/upload/pdf/Partners-SDTT.pdf

58. N_core (incubator of non profits in India)

59. https://everydayecon.wordpress.com/about/- A blog about economics

60. Accountingcoach.om

61. https://ngoaidmap.org- To see what organizations have what projects active in any country

62. Microinsurancenetwork.org

63. https://www.poverty-action.org/about/our-partners

64. Ict4dconference.org- A conference that merges technology with development sector related data

65. https://esango.un.org/civilsociety/login.do - provides continent wide lists of UN partnered civil societies

66. CSRbox.org- Helps find CSR projects in different areas

67. https://csrrajasthangov.in/- Maps different CSR activities in Rajasthan

68. https://www.cgiar.org/research/research-centers/ _ Research Organizations working for food security

69. http://impactify.in/- Aggregator of different projects that NGOs are doing across the country

70. Villagesquare.in- news portal for rural policy impact

71. http://www.jagritiyatra.com/about- a train journey across India to highlight problems related to development

72. Core-econ.org: A global community which provides new methodologies in teaching

economics and presenting economic concepts in the classroom

73.https://www.core-econ.org/the-economy/book/text/0-3-contents.html: A new age economics textbook written by members of CORE

74. IndianNGOs.org

75. https://www.indiawaterportal.org/- an initiative by Araghyam to highlight water and sanitation issues in India.

76. One minute Economics: YouTube Channel to understand economics

77. http://sex-drugs-economics.blogspot.com/ : blog connecting economics to everyday news and issues

78. http://www.ido.org.in/1000days/- An organization that tackles malnutrition among children

79. Give India- a donations platform with screened NGO partners

80. http://egap.org/list-methods-guides- Get information about statistical and research methodology concepts like RCT, LATE, regression analysis

81. https://www.susana.org/en/- The sustainable sanitation alliance is a group of organizations worldwide working in the sanitation space

82. Social impact warriors:- a segment published by Mint that features companies/people in the social impact space

83. https://www.povertyactionlab.org/research-resources/software-and-tools: this provides a

list of manuals for different software used by JPal

84. Libtech.in- a platform that lobbies for transparency in MNREGA and the RTI act

85. https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-Top-Consulting-Firms-in-the-Development-Social-Sector-Except-Dalberg-FSG-Bridgespan

86. https://www.fundsforngos.org/about-us/

87. d-econ.org

88. YLAC India

89. Young Scholars Initiative, Institute for New Economic Thinking: A global platform econ students

90. Rethink Economics: A global economics platform designed to engage with students, similar to Young Scholars Initiative

91. http://wellbeingeconomygovs.org/ : a platform that encourages governments to measure

wellbeing in their respective countries as an indicator of socioeconomic progress

92. Wellbeingeconomy.org: similar to the above platform. Check out their list of partner organizations


4OVHXJrSKOSXWyNV1Lkg4ULFdRbw4 : A blog that provides information to those wanting to

pursue a job in the social impact sector

94. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OizuPo28fBbFbjswKyFF2aD7YUeklGVBSrD2eEUL

NSM/edit#gid=0 : list of partners in the “Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data” initiative

95. Od4d.net: an initiative (by the IDRC, Canada) similar to that of the “global partnership for

sustainable development data initiative”

96. https://www.worldeconomicsassociation.org/chapters/: more examples of global economics organizations

97. https://quantecon.org/lectures/

98. http://www.ihsn.org/ : a platform for household survey related resources

99. Hard work no pay- A facebook group created by Jean Dreze and Reetika Khera. It is

designed to engage volunteers in helping them administer surveys. Volunteers also get a

chance to live in the site of the survey and engage with locals

100. Econjobrumours.com: a site which can has an informal forum for econ

students/Research assistants/profs can use. It also contains info about econ job openings

and conferences

101. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Economics_societies: List of learned socities in


102. http://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/ : Gregory Mankiw’s personal blog

103. https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005729: advice

for choosing between academia and a career in the government

104. Academictree.com; shows you the nobel prize winner and their phd students, phd

teachers in a lot of different fields; e.g. economics, physics and public policy

105. Runnigres.com: a page that provides tutorials for running RCTs as well as resources related to RCTs

106. Studyingeconomics.ac.uk: an initiative run by economicsnetwork.ac.uk and the University of Bristol which aims to give advice to students of economics on future employment opportunities, information about the econ syllabus, tips/tricks and any other queries that students may have

107. Sanchitha.ikm.in; another website that provides information on various acts, rules and government orders in India

108. Marginal Revolution University: a platform for learning economics

109. https://80000hours.org/career-reviews/economics-phd/ : some resources that provide information on a PHD in economics. Click on each and every link, read what is written. Infact each link has more useful links

110. https://qz.com/116081/the-complete-guide-to-getting-into-an-economics-phd-program/

111. India public policy network: an informal consortium of various public policy departments in Indian Universities (indiapublicpolicynetwork.com)

112. http://noahpinionblog.blogspot.com

113. http://econphd.econwiki.com/index.htm : advice and resources for those who want to do a PHD

114. https://pitchforkeconomics.com/episodes: a podcast dedicated to economic issues, run by a thinktank called Civic Ventures

115. Foundation for Teaching Economics: A coalition of High school Econ teachers in USA in a bid to pool resources. share teaching material and improve teaching quality.(https://www.fte.org/)

116. https://qz.com/116081/the-complete-guide-to-getting-into-an-economics-phd-program/

117. Exploringeconomics.com: an initiative set up by the network of Pluralist Economics. It is a good site to explore the different schools of thought in economics; i.e. new Keynesian, neoclassical

118. Sadie Collective: A platform that encourages black women to become economists

119. Property Rights Research Consortium India; A consortium of researchers and organizations working for the land governance and property rights space. Prrcindia.org

120. Academicfoundation.org: a prominent publisher of Economics and Social Sector related books. Check out this website for its list of clients as well!

121. Dsesuper20.in: find the past papers of DSE and ISI over here!

122. Globalrec.org: a platform for wastepickers and organizations representing them worldover!

123. Participedia.net: a database/crowdsourced platform of resources and content related to public participation and democratic innovations!

124. Loginasia.org: A coalition of organizations that research and lobby for decentralized governance

125. http://community.middlebury.edu/~colander/articles/: A list of works by an Economist named David Colander who often researches and writes about the discipline itself.

126. Centralbanknews.info: A Centralized Site where you can access information about interest rates by Central banks!

127. Developingeconomies.org: a blog about development economics, mostly written heterodox economists

128. https://policypeople.substack.com/archive?utm_source=menu-dropdown: keep visiting this website regularly to track happenings in the world of public policy!

129. Bahujanecon.org: a website designed to help students of economics from underprivileged backgrounds!

130. https://www.womenineconpolicy.com: A website deigned to bring together women in economics and public policy

131. https://www.internationalbudget.org/budget-work-by-country-india/: The international Budget partnership is a coalition of organizations that work to use budget analysis/advocacy to improve governance

132. Unravelecon.com: a blog/website maintained by a student of Economics in Delhi University. It contains interviews from famous economists as well as op-eds

133. Tax Justice Network: A UK based advocacy that publishes reports and advocates for tax justice, i.e., the issue of tax havens and tax evasion

134. Policyviz.com: A site that helps you communicate public policy data, insights and visualizations better!

135. Surveypractice.org: e-journal published by the American Association for Public Opinion Research. The mission of Survey Practice is to provide current information on issues insurvey research and public opinion that is useful to survey and public opinion practitioners,new survey researchers, and those interested in survey and polling methods

137. https://aadityadar.github.io/econ_ra_india/: Another list of organizations, RAships and resources for econ students in India, compiled by Aaditya Dar, Assistant Professor of Economics at the Indian School of Business

138. https://econmentoring.org/: A site that matches mentors (professors of economics,practitioners of economics) with mentees (PhD students in econ)