Applied Economics Workshop

AEW is a monthly applied economics workshop hosted by several Asian research universities and institutes. All seminars are on Thursdays from 9:30-11:30 am or 4:00-6:00 pm Tokyo Time (8:30-10:30 am or 3:00-5:00 pm for others, including Taipei, Hong Kong, and Singapore) to accommodate different time zones.

The typical AEW audiences include faculty members and Ph.D. students from the sponsoring institutes (UTokyo, NTU Taiwan, NUS, HKUST, Academia Sinica, HKU, Hitotsubashi, and NTU Singapore). About 1/5 of the audience is from other places. All audiences must register ahead of time. Given that AEW operates on the WebEx platform, it is crucial for speakers to properly configure their computers to facilitate seamless slide sharing and optimize audio settings to ensure clear communication and engagement with the audience. 

After the keynote seminar (75 minutes, including Q&A), the presenter of the AEW discussion paper pre-selected by the keynote speaker will talk for 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of open-floor discussion. We are flexible about the format in which the keynote speaker feels comfortable providing feedback. Some keynote speakers made a formal discussion voluntarily. Others joined the audience to comment informally. 

The faculty and Ph.D. candidates of the sponsoring institutes can sign up for a 20-min 1-1 meeting with the keynote speaker. The number of 1–1 meetings ranges between 3 and 11, determined by demand and supply. In case of excess demand, we prioritize the seats for full-time junior faculty and Ph.D. candidates on the job market who submit a paper to the AEW discussion session. 

Upcoming Workshop:

Thursday, July 18, 2024 - Climate

Keynote Speaker: Thiemo Fetzer (Warwick), Chief Moderator: Kuan-Ming Chen (NTU-TW)

Forthcoming Workshops:

Thursday, August 22, 2024 - Pascual Restrepo (Boston U)

Theme: Labor (Submission deadline: July 21, 2024) 

Submit your paper / sign up for a 1:1 meeting here.

Register for the workshop here.

Thursday, September 12, 2024 - Gautam Gowrisankaran (Columbia)

Theme: IO (Submission deadline: August 11, 2024) 

Submit your paper / sign up for a 1:1 meeting here.

Register for the workshop here.

Thursday, October 03, 2024 - Benjamin Enke (Harvard)

Theme: Labor (Submission deadline: September 01, 2024)

Submit your paper / sign up for a 1:1 meeting here.

Register for the workshop here.


Please click on the white cross in the blue box to subscribe to our calendar. 

Format and Rules

The webinars are held online and last 105 minutes.

The keynote presentations will be recorded and available on the web page a few days after. Please note that you may be recorded if you activate your video or speak.


If you have feedback or suggestions, please e-mail the program manager or one of the following organizers.


Stacey Chen, Hiroshi Ohashi, Hitoshi Shigeoka, Yasutora Watanabe (UTokyo, since 2020), 

Ching-I Huang, Chung-Ying Lee, Elliott Fan, Joseph Tao-Yi Wang (NTU-Taiwan, since 2020), 

Pinchuan Ong, Yi Fan, Jessica Pan (NUS, since 2020), 

Sangyoon Park, Robin Gong, Albert Park (HKUST, since 2020), 

Tzu-Ting Yang, Yating Chuang (Academia Sinica, since 2021), 

John Klopfer, Gedeon Lim, Jasmine Hao, Guo Naijia (HKU, since 2021), 

Masayuki Sawada, Shoya Ishimaru (Hitotsubashi, since 2022), 

Tat-How Teh, Tai-Sen He (NTU-Singapore, since 2023),

Chamna Yoon, Jungmin Lee (Seoul National University, since 2024).

Program manager: Yu-Hsin Ho (NTU-Taiwan)