ECOLT 2024 Team

ECOLT 2024 is possible through the hard work of many individuals, with special thanks to our Conference Co-Chairs Meg Montee and Jamie Morgan, our Program Co-Chairs Renka Ohta and Gerriet Janssen, as well as CAL and the AELRC.

Meg Montee

Meg Montee

Assessment and Evaluation Language Resource Center

Conference Co-Chair  | Meg Montee

Meg Montee serves as the director of the Assessment and Evaluation Language Resource Center at Georgetown University and is also an Associate Research Professor in the Department of Linguistics. Dr. Montee specializes in performance-based language assessment, and is committed to working with world educators to create and implement useful and practical assessment tools. Her research interests include oral proficiency assessment, rater training and scoring, and language assessment literacy. Dr. Montee received a Ph.D. in applied linguistics from Georgia State University and a Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language from Georgetown University. 

Jamie Morgan

Jamie Morgan

Center for Applied Linguistics

Conference Co-Chair  | Jamie Morgan

Jamie Morgan is a Senior Project Manager in CAL’s Language Assessment and Instructional Research Division. She leads a variety of projects involving research, assessment, and professional development in the areas of world language, heritage language, and English language education. 

Renka Ohta

Renka Ohta


Program Co-Chair  |  Renka Ohta

Renka Ohta is a Senior Research Project Manager in the Center for Language Education and Assessment Research (CLEAR) at ETS. She is a part of TOEFL and TOEIC research teams, and she also manages the TOEFL grant for Ph.D. candidates working on dissertation research in language assessment. Prior to working at ETS, she taught English as a foreign/second language in Japan and the U.S. She received her PhD in Foreign Language and ESL Education at the University of Iowa in 2018.

Gerriet Janssen

Gerriet Janssen


Program Co-Chair  |  Gerriet Janssen

Gerriet Janssen is a Research Scientist in the Center for Language Education and Assessment Research at ETS. As part of the TOEFL research team, he is currently leading the development of the TOEFL ITP Writing Test section. Gerriet was been a language teacher for 20 years in the U.S. and Colombia and is specifically interested in teacher training, curriculum development, writing for publication purposes, and of course, assessment.

Jillian Seitz

Assessment and Evaluation Language Resource Center

Student Chair  |  Jillian Seitz

Jillian Seitz is a Research Intern for the AELRC and the Center for Applied Linguistics. She is currently pursuing a Master's of Science with a concentration in applied linguistics at Georgetown University. For this conference, she assists with program management and planning.