
 2023 Press Release from the U.S. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION on Dr. Abdul-Aziz's paper, published in the Water Resources Research, on emergent scaling of stream dissolved oxygen and health. Link:  

2022 Press Release from the U.S. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION on Dr. Abdul-Aziz's paper, published in the Science of The Total Environment, on dimensionless scaling and predictions of stream dissolved oxygen and ecosystem health. Link:

A Press Release from the WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY on Dr. Abdul-Aziz's paper on predictions of stream water quality and health. Please see the link at 

MISSISSIPPI TODAY, a respected U.S. newspaper, covered Dr. Abdul-Aziz's research and expertise on climate change and large-scale coastal flooding in Mississippi River Basin under the title “A Flood of Catastrophe”. Appeared on the front page on April 29, 2020. Please read the story at 

NEURON, West Virginia’s journal of science and research, covered Dr. Abdul-Aziz’s research entitled, “Model to predict greenhouse gases, carbon storage in coastal wetlands under changing conditions developed at WVU” in the Fall 2018 issue.

Radio interview (live) of Dr. Abdul-Aziz with WAJR, “WVU researcher dreams of more accurate model for predicting post-hurricane floods”. Aired on October 20, 2018. Read the story at

MIAMI HERALD, a premier daily newspaper of USA, has covered Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz's large-scale flood modeling research under the title “What does 40 inches of rain look like in South Florida? This scientist can show you”. It appeared on the homepage during Sept 3-7 and in print on Sept 4, 2017. You can read the story at 

Associated Press (AP), USNEWS.COM, LA Times, Seattle Times, SFGATE, Chicago Tribune, mySanAntonio, and 19 other newspapers covered Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz's research on Sept 8, 2017 under the title "WVU Professor Develops New Model for Flood Predictions."  You can read the story at 

TV interview of Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz with Channel-5 (WDTV-CBS), “WVU expert working on model to limit impacts of flooding”. Aired on September 12, 2017. Read the story at 

TV interview of Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz with Channel-12 (WBOY-TV-NBC) regarding his large basin-scale models to predict freshwater floods in coastal areas during hurricanes. Aired on September 8, 2017. See the video at  

TV news of Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz’s flood models in Channel-3 (WHSV-abc), “WVU professor develops new model for flood predictions”. Aired on September 8, 2017. Read the story at 

The Dominion Post, a major daily newspaper of WV, has covered Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz's research under the title "WVU professor awarded grant to research ecosystem fluxes. It appeared in print on August 14, 2017. You can read the story by clicking on the title.

Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz received a new NSF grant (2019-2022) as a collaborative PI.

Title: “CRISP 2.0 Type 2: Collaborative Research: Organizing Decentralized Resilience in Critical Interdependent-infrastructure Systems and Processes (ORDER-CRISP) ”. 

NSF Link:  

Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz received a new NSF grant (2018-2021) as a co-PI.

Title: “Inter-comparison of Direct Quantification and Areal Micrometeorological Methods to Investigate the Transport and Fate of Methane from Heterogeneous Sources in Natural Gas Fields ”. 

NSF Link:  

Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz received a new NSF grant (2017-2021) as the single PI.

Title: “Ecological Similitude and Scaling for Robust Modeling and Predictions of Ecosystem Carbon, Water and Energy Fluxes ”. 

NSF Link: 

Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz received a new collaborative grant from NOAA (2015-19).

Title: “Expanding Blue Carbon Implementation: Increasing GHG Model Application in Tidally Restricted and Restored New England Salt Marshes ".

Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz received the NSF CAREER Award (2015-21).

Title: “NSF CAREER: Robust Modeling and Predictions of Stream Water Quality and Ecosystem Health”. 

NSF Link: 

Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz received a new NSF grant (2013-16) as the single PI.

Title: “Investigation of Wetland Biogeochemical Similitudes and Scaling for Robust Predictions of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Sequestration ”. 

NSF Link: and

Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz received a collaborative grant from NOAA (2011-15).

Title: “Carbon Management in Coastal Wetlands: Quantifying Carbon Storage and Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Tidal Wetlands ".

Congratulations to Kazi Mushfique Mohib for successfully defending his thesis and graduating with an M.S. in Summer 2024!

Congratulations to Md Tanvirul Islam for successfully defending his thesis and graduating with an M.S. in Spring 2024!

Congratulations to Mohammad Abbasi for successfully defending his thesis and graduating with an M.S. in Summer 2023!

Congratulations to Samira Jahan for successfully defending her thesis and graduating with an M.S. in Spring 2023!

Congratulations to Aron K. Gebreslase for successfully defending his dissertation and graduating with a Ph.D. in Spring 2022!

Congratulations to Mahmood Khan for successfully defending his dissertation and graduating with a Ph.D. in Spring 2022!

Congratulations to Nusrat N. Khan for successfully defending her thesis and graduating with an M.S. in Summer 2022!

Congratulations to Md Faisal Razy for successfully defending his thesis and graduating with an M.S. in Summer 2022!

Congratulations to Erfanul Huq for successfully defending his dissertation and graduating with a Ph.D. in Fall 2020!

Congratulations to Mohammad A. Z. Siddik  for successfully defending his dissertation and graduating with a Ph.D. in Summer 2020!

Congratulations to Shakil Ahmed for successfully defending his dissertation and graduating with a Ph.D. in Spring 2018!

Congratulations to Filmon Araya for successfully defending his thesis and graduating with an M.S. in Spring 2018!

Congratulations to Mohammed T. Zaki for successfully defending his thesis and graduating with an M.S. in Fall 2017!

Congratulations to Aron K. Gebreslase for successfully defending his thesis and graduating with an M.S. in Fall 2017!

Congratulations to Dr. Khandker S. Ishtiaq for successfully defending his dissertation and graduating with a Ph.D. in Fall 2015!

Congratulations to Mohammad S. Islam for successfully defending his thesis and graduating with an M.S. in Fall 2015!

Congratulations to Tasnuva Mahjabin for successfully defending her thesis and graduating with an M.S. in Fall 2015!

Congratulations to Shams Al-Amin for successfully defending his thesis and graduating with a M.S. in Summer 2013!