How The Journey Started?

The students and teachers were involved in Environmental activities, wildlife rescue, awareness programs since 2017 since Prof. Prosenjit Dawn joined the institution. As soon as the team grew bigger and workload too, it needed a platform to coordinate the initiatives. From his own college days Prosenjit has idea of Nature Clubs in the colleges but never saw one truly active. So he decided to form one with the existing students to carry out regular conservation efforts swiftly. That was the beginning and then the enormous efforts of the students under his guidance and Dr. Dhruba Chandra Dhali's support has transformed the small initiative to a highly active team of some enthusiastic students and conservationists working continuously to achieve their goal.

The first formal inauguration was through an Academic Workshop on February 2018 and back to back Logo Competition (the current logo was by Ankita winner of that contest), Drawing, Photography competitions, and then no stopping and never looking back.

Where we are today?

And today we are collaborating with the Forest Department, Govt. of West Bengal, Leading NGOs like Nature Mates Nature Club, Human and Environment Alliance League etc. regularly and contributing towards Nature conservation. We hope to set an example how a School or college Nature Club can function.

Community Awareness Camps in Collaboration With WB Forest Department
Eco-Club Members taking part in the Fishing Cat Survey at Chilika organized by Chilika Development Authority and The Fishing Cat Project