Slovenian School System

The school system in Slovenia is divided into three sections of education: primary, secondary and tertiary.

Primary school education is compulsory and lasts nine years.

Children enrol in the 1st grade of primary school when they turn 6 years old. 

Parents can choose whether their child will be educated in a public or private primary school or educated at home.

The school year starts on September 1 and ends on August 31 of the following year. Classes run until June 24, and for 9th grade students until June 15. 

The school year is divided into two assessment periods. Pupils get grades from 1 (fail) to 5 (excellent).

Lessons take place 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday, on Saturday only as an exception. 

Classes in all schools take place in the morning and may not start before 7:30 in the morning.

Schools together with the municipality organize free transport for pupils whose residence is more than 4 km away from the school.

Religious education and religious ceremonies are not allowed in public schools because according to the constitution, religious communities and the state are separate.


We don't have school uniforms.

Slippers are obligatory. We wear slippers in school.